# [gitdeploy](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/gitdeploy) **gitdeploy** is an app for continuous deployment of static websites. 1. Point a domain to a server running `gitdeploy` 2. [Set git webhooks](#add-webhooks) (Github, Gitea, Bitbucket, etc) 3. Create [build & deploy scripts](#setup-with-deploy-scripts) from the examples 4. Profit (when you push, the build will kick off) ## Features **gitdeploy** is intended for use with static websites that are generated after changes are pushed to a Git repository. This works with sites that are being edited in code and tracked in Git. Sites that have their content managed with a headless CMS that pushes to Git are also very well-suited. **gitdeploy** supports verified webhooks from Github, Bitbucket, and Gitea. **gitdeploy** is written in Go. This means that it's a standalone binary available on all major operating systems and architectures. It provides an API with endpoints that handle webhooks, allow for initiation of builds, and getting the status of builds and build jobs. **gitdeploy** comes with a simple interface. The interface be disabled if you don't want to use it. ## Usage ```bash gitdeploy init gitdeploy run --listen :3000 --scripts ./scripts/ ``` ```txt Usage of gitdeploy run: -listen string the address and port on which to listen (default :4483) -github-secret string secret for github webhooks (same as GITHUB_SECRET=) -bitbucket-secret string secret for bitbucket webhooks (same as BITBUCKET_SECRET=) -gitea-secret string secret for gitea webhooks (same as GITEA_SECRET=) -scripts string path to ./scripts/{deploy.sh,promote.sh,etc} -trust-repos string list of repos (ex: 'github.com/org/repo', or '*' for all) for which to run '.gitdeploy/deploy.sh' -compress enable compression for text,html,js,css,etc (default true) -promotions string a list of promotable branches in descending order (default 'production,staging,master') -serve-path string path to serve, falls back to built-in web app -trust-proxy trust X-Forwarded-For header ``` ## Install You can download `gitdeploy` from the Github Releases API and place it in your PATH, or install it with [Webi](https://webinstall.dev) ([webinstall.dev/gitdeploy](https://webinstall.dev/gitdeploy)): **Mac**, **Linux**: ```bash curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/gitdeploy | bash ``` **Windows 10**: ```bash curl -A MS https://webinstall.dev/gitdeploy | powershell ``` **Manual Install** See . ## Git SSH Deploy Keys and Tokens All of the clone URLs are HTTPS clone URLs. To use SSH clone URLs, you should update your git credentials: ```bash git config --global url."ssh://git@github.com/example-org/".insteadOf "https://github.com/example-org/" ``` This will add an entry like this to your `.gitconfig`: ```ini [url "ssh://git@github.com/example-org/"] insteadOf = https://github.com/example-org/ ``` For more info see [The Git Credentials Cheat Sheet](https://coolaj86.com/articles/vanilla-devops-git-credentials-cheatsheet/) at . ## Setup with Deploy Scripts Start by initializing your `.env` and `./scripts` directory. ```bash gitdeploy init ``` ```txt .env scripts/ ├── deploy.sh ├── git.example.com/org/go-project/deploy.sh ├── git.example.com/org/node-project/deploy.sh ├── git.example.com/org/mirror-project/deploy.sh └── promote.sh ``` The default `deploy.sh` is sensible - if another `deploy.sh` exists in a directory with the same repo name as an incoming webhook, it runs it. The example deploy scripts are a good start, but you'll probably need to update them to suit your build process for your project. ### In-repo .gitdeploy scripts A repo my have its own `.gitdeploy/deploy.sh` at its root, but by default these are ignored. You can set `--trust-repos` (or `TRUST_REPOS`) to allow deploy scripts to be run directly from a repository. - matches are case-insensitive (`foo` matches `Foo`) - a wildcard `*` may be used (at the end of a string) to define a prefix - the list may be space `' '` or comman `,` delimited ```bash # trust a few repos to run their own deploy scripts gitdeploy run --listen :3000 --trust-repos 'github.com/org/one github.com/org/two' # trust an organization gitdeploy run --listen :3000 --trust-repos 'github.com/org/*' # trust all repos gitdeploy run --listen :3000 --trust-repos '*' ``` ### Git Info These ENVs are set before each script is run: ```bash GIT_REPO_ID=github.com/my-org/my-project GIT_CLONE_URL=https://github.com/my-org/my-project.git GIT_DEPLOY_JOB_ID=xxxxxx GIT_REF_NAME=master GIT_REF_TYPE=branch GIT_REPO_OWNER=my-org GIT_REPO_NAME=my-project GIT_REPO_TRUSTED=true ``` ## API ```txt GET /api/admin/jobs { "success": true, "jobs": [ { "job_id": "xxxx", "created_at": "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "ref": "0000000", } ] } POST /api/admin/jobs { "job_id": "xxxx", "kill": true } { "success": true } # note: see --help for how to use --promotions POST /api/admin/promote { "clone_url": "https://...", "ref_name": "development" } { "success": true, "promote_to": "staging" } # note: each webhook is different, but the result is to run a deploy.sh POST /api/admin/webhooks/{github,gitea,bitbucket} ``` ## Build **Frontend**: ```bash pushd html/ npm ci scripts/build popd ``` **API**: With [GoReleaser](https://webinstall.dev/goreleaser): ```bash goreleaser --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist ``` With [Golang](https://webinstall.dev/golang): ```bash export GOFLAGS="-mod=vendor" go run -mod=vendor git.rootprojects.org/root/go-gitver/v2 go generate -mod=vendor ./... go build -mod=vendor . ``` You can use build tags to remove providers from the build: ```bash go build -mod=vendor -tags nobitbucket,nogithub . ``` Supported tags are: - nogithub - nogitea - nobitbucket ## Run as a System Service ```bash sudo env PATH="$PATH" \ serviceman add --name gitdeploy --system \ --username app -path "$PATH" -- \ gitdeploy run --scripts ./scripts/ ``` ## Add Webhooks To add a webhook you'll first need a secret **with node.js**: ```js crypto.randomBytes(16).toString("hex"); ``` Then you'll need to set up the webhook in your platform of choice. ### Github New Webhook: `https://github.com/YOUR_ORG/YOUR_REPO/settings/hooks/new` ```txt Payload URL: https://YOUR_DOMAIN/api/webhooks/github Content-Type: application/json Secret: YOUR_SECRET Which events would you like to trigger this webhook? Just the `push` event. Active: ✅ ``` ### Bitbucket Sometimes Bitbucket does not give you the option to specify the (`X-Hub-Signature`) `secret`, so you'll have to append an `access_token` instead. Example: ```txt Title: gitdeploy URL: https://YOUR_DOMAIN/api/webhooks/bitbucket?access_token=YOUR_SECRET Triggers: Repository push ``` ## How to Generate a Base64 Secret **in your browser**: ```js (async function () { var rnd = new Uint8Array(16); await crypto.getRandomValues(rnd); var b64 = [].slice .apply(rnd) .map(function (ch) { return String.fromCharCode(ch); }) .join(""); var secret = btoa(b64) .replace(/\//g, "_") .replace(/\+/g, "-") .replace(/=/g, ""); console.info(secret); })(); ``` **with node.js**: ```js crypto .randomBytes(16) .toString("base64") .replace(/\+/g, "-") .replace(/\//g, "_") .replace(/=/g, ""); ``` ## License Copyright 2020 The gitdeploy Authors This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public \ License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this \ file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.