#!/bin/bash set -u if [[ "${GIT_REF_NAME}" != "master" ]] then echo "Nothing to do for ${GIT_REPO_ID}#${GIT_REF_NAME}" exit 0 fi echo "Deploying ${GIT_REPO_ID}#${GIT_REF_NAME} ..." # See the Git Credentials Cheat Sheet # https://coolaj86.com/articles/vanilla-devops-git-credentials-cheatsheet/ my_tmp="$(mktemp -d -t "tmp.XXXXXXXXXX")" git clone --depth=1 "${GIT_CLONE_URL}" -b "${GIT_REF_NAME}" "${my_tmp}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}" pushd "${my_tmp}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}" # Uncomment this if you have git submodules: #git submodule init #git submodule update npm ci npm run build rsync -avP ./ ~/srv/${GIT_REPO_NAME}/ # See the Serviceman Cheat Sheet for how to set up a system service # https://webinstall.dev/serviceman sudo systemctl restart ${GIT_REPO_NAME} popd rm -rf "${my_tmp}/${GIT_REPO_NAME}/"