package main import ( "compress/flate" "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/http" "os" "path/filepath" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" _ "" ) var ( name = "gitdeploy" version = "0.0.0" date = "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" commit = "0000000" ) func usage() { fmt.Println(ver()) fmt.Println("") fmt.Printf("Use '%s help '\n", name) fmt.Println(" init") fmt.Println(" run") } func ver() string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s v%s (%s) %s", name, version, commit[:7], date) } var runOpts *options.ServerConfig var runFlags *flag.FlagSet var initFlags *flag.FlagSet var promotionList string var defaultPromotionList = "production,staging,master" var oldScripts string func init() { runOpts = options.Server initFlags = options.InitFlags _ = initFlags.Bool("TODO", false, "init will eventually copy default assets into a local directory") runFlags = options.ServerFlags runFlags.StringVar(&runOpts.Addr, "listen", "", "the address and port on which to listen (default :4483)") runFlags.BoolVar(&runOpts.TrustProxy, "trust-proxy", false, "trust X-Forwarded-For header") runFlags.StringVar(&runOpts.RepoList, "trust-repos", "", "list of repos (ex: '', or '*' for all) for which to run '.gitdeploy/'") runFlags.BoolVar(&runOpts.Compress, "compress", true, "enable compression for text,html,js,css,etc") runFlags.StringVar( &runOpts.ServePath, "serve-path", "", "path to serve, falls back to built-in web app") runFlags.StringVar( &oldScripts, "exec", "", "old alias for --scripts") runFlags.StringVar( &runOpts.ScriptsPath, "scripts", "", "path to ./scripts/{,,etc}") //"path to bash script to run with git info as arguments") runFlags.StringVar(&promotionList, "promotions", "", "a list of promotable branches in descending order (default '"+defaultPromotionList+"')") } func main() { // Support [--]version and -V if len(os.Args) > 1 { if "version" == strings.TrimLeft(os.Args[1], "-") || "-V" == os.Args[1] { fmt.Println(ver()) os.Exit(0) return } } args := os.Args[:] if 1 == len(args) { // "run" should be the default args = append(args, "run") } if "help" == strings.TrimLeft(args[1], "-") { // top-level help if 2 == len(args) { usage() os.Exit(0) return } // move help to subcommand argument self := args[0] args = append([]string{self}, args[2:]...) args = append(args, "--help") } switch args[1] { case "version": fmt.Println(ver()) os.Exit(0) return case "init": _ = initFlags.Parse(args[2:]) gdInit() os.Exit(0) return case "run": _ = runFlags.Parse(args[2:]) if "" == runOpts.ScriptsPath { if "" != oldScripts { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "--exec is deprecated and will be removed. Please use --scripts instead.\n") runOpts.ScriptsPath = oldScripts } } if "" == runOpts.ScriptsPath { runOpts.ScriptsPath = "./scripts" pathname, _ := filepath.Abs("./scripts") if info, _ := os.Stat("./scripts/"); nil == info || !info.Mode().IsRegular() { fmt.Printf( "%q not found.\nPlease provide --scripts ./scripts/ as a path where \"\" can be found\n", pathname, ) os.Exit(1) } } if 0 == len(runOpts.Addr) { runOpts.Addr = os.Getenv("LISTEN") } if 0 == len(runOpts.Addr) { port := os.Getenv("PORT") if len(port) > 0 { runOpts.Addr = "localhost:" + port } } if 0 == len(runOpts.Addr) { runOpts.Addr = "localhost:4483" } if 0 == len(runOpts.Addr) { fmt.Printf("--listen <[addr]:port> is a required flag") os.Exit(1) return } if 0 == len(runOpts.RepoList) { runOpts.RepoList = os.Getenv("TRUST_REPOS") } if !runOpts.TrustProxy { runOpts.TrustProxy = ("TRUE" == strings.ToUpper(os.Getenv("TRUST_PROXY"))) } if 0 == len(runOpts.LogDir) { runOpts.LogDir = os.Getenv("LOG_DIR") } if 0 == len(runOpts.TmpDir) { var err error runOpts.TmpDir, err = ioutil.TempDir("", "gitdeploy-*") if nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "could not create temporary directory") os.Exit(1) return } log.Printf("TEMP_DIR=%s", runOpts.TmpDir) } if 0 == runOpts.DefaultMaxJobTime { runOpts.DefaultMaxJobTime = 10 * time.Minute } if 0 == runOpts.DebounceDelay { runOpts.DebounceDelay = 5 * time.Second } if 0 == runOpts.StaleJobAge { runOpts.StaleJobAge = 3 * 24 * time.Hour } if 0 == runOpts.StaleLogAge { runOpts.StaleLogAge = 15 * 24 * time.Hour } if 0 == runOpts.ExpiredLogAge { runOpts.ExpiredLogAge = 90 * 24 * time.Hour } if len(runOpts.RepoList) > 0 { runOpts.RepoList = strings.ReplaceAll(runOpts.RepoList, ",", " ") runOpts.RepoList = strings.ReplaceAll(runOpts.RepoList, " ", " ") runOpts.RepoList = strings.ToLower(runOpts.RepoList) } cwd, _ := os.Getwd() log.Printf("WORK_DIR=%s", cwd) log.Printf("TRUST_REPOS=%s", runOpts.RepoList) if 0 == len(promotionList) { promotionList = os.Getenv("PROMOTIONS") } if 0 == len(promotionList) { promotionList = defaultPromotionList } runOpts.Promotions = strings.Fields( strings.ReplaceAll(promotionList, ",", " "), ) webhooks.MustRegisterAll() serve() default: usage() os.Exit(1) return } } func gdInit() { vfs := vfscopy.NewVFS(examples.Assets) _, err := os.Open("scripts") fmt.Println("Initiazing ...") if !os.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " skip: ./scripts already exists\n") } else { if err := vfscopy.CopyAll(vfs, ".", "./scripts", vfscopy.Options{ AddPermission: os.FileMode(0600), Skip: func(path string) (bool, error) { if strings.HasSuffix(path, "/dotenv") { return true, nil } f, _ := vfs.Open(path) fi, _ := f.Stat() if !fi.IsDir() { fmt.Println(" copy: scripts/" + path) } return false, nil }, }); nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error initializing ./scripts directory: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) return } } _, err = os.Open(".env") if !os.IsNotExist(err) { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, " skip: ./.env already exists\n") } else { if err := vfscopy.CopyAll(vfs, "dotenv", ".env", vfscopy.Options{ AddPermission: os.FileMode(0600), }); nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "error initializing ./.env file: %v\n", err) os.Exit(1) return } _ = os.Chmod(".env", 0600) fmt.Println(" copy: .env") } fmt.Println("Done.") } func serve() { r := chi.NewRouter() // A good base middleware stack if runOpts.TrustProxy { r.Use(middleware.RealIP) } if runOpts.Compress { r.Use(middleware.Compress(flate.DefaultCompression)) } r.Use(middleware.Logger) r.Use(middleware.Recoverer) r.Get("/version", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { w.Write(append([]byte(ver()), '\n')) }) r.Get("/api/version", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { b, _ := json.MarshalIndent(struct { Name string `json:"name"` Version string `json:"version"` Date string `json:"date"` Commit string `json:"commit"` }{ Name: name, Version: version, Date: date, Commit: commit, }, "", " ") w.Write(append(b, '\n')) }) api.Route(r, runOpts) var staticHandler http.HandlerFunc pub := http.FileServer(public.Assets) if len(runOpts.ServePath) > 0 { // try the user-provided directory first, then fallback to the built-in devFS := http.Dir(runOpts.ServePath) dev := http.FileServer(devFS) staticHandler = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { if _, err := devFS.Open(r.URL.Path); nil != err { pub.ServeHTTP(w, r) return } dev.ServeHTTP(w, r) } } else { staticHandler = func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { pub.ServeHTTP(w, r) } } r.Get("/*", staticHandler) fmt.Println("Listening for http (with reasonable timeouts) on", runOpts.Addr) srv := &http.Server{ Addr: runOpts.Addr, Handler: r, ReadHeaderTimeout: 2 * time.Second, ReadTimeout: 10 * time.Second, WriteTimeout: 20 * time.Second, MaxHeaderBytes: 1024 * 1024, // 1MiB } if err := srv.ListenAndServe(); nil != err { fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s", err) os.Exit(1) return } }