# [dotenv](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/dotenv) A cross-platform tool to run a command with environment variables loaded from a given .env file. **Example**: ```bash dotenv -f .env -- node server.js ``` ## Install **Mac**, **Linux**: ```bash curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/dotenv | bash ``` **Windows 10**: ```pwsh curl -A MS https://webinstall.dev/dotenv | powershell ``` ## Usage ```bash dotenv v1.0.0 (17c7677) 2020-10-19T23:43:57Z Usage: dotenv [-f .env.alternate] -- [arguments...]" -f string path to .env file (default ".env") --help print usage and exit --version print version and exit Example: dotenv -f .env -- caddy run --config Caddyfile ``` ## Build `dotenv` is written in Go, using [github.com/joho/godotenv](https://github.com/joho/godotenv). Install Go: ```bash curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/golang | bash ``` (see https://webinstall.dev/golang for details) ### Manually ```bash export GOFLAGS="-mod=vendor" go generate -mod=vendor ./... go run -mod=vendor git.rootprojects.org/root/go-gitver/v2 go build -mod=vendor . ``` ```bash ./dotenv --version ``` ### With GoReleaser Install GoReleaser: ```bash curl -sS https://webinstall.dev/goreleaser | bash ``` ```bash goreleaser --snapshot --skip-publish --rm-dist ``` ```bash ./dist/dotenv_darwin_amd64/dotenv --version ``` ## License Copyright 2020 The dotenv Authors. This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public \ License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this \ file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.