How to use a code signing certificate for Windows 10 so that the UAC prompts don't show warnings.
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// in-line comments in json are supporTed by fileb0x!
// a comment must have a space after the double slash
// all folders and files are relative to the path
// where fileb0x was run at!
// default: main
"pkg": "static",
// destination
"dest": "./static/",
// default: ab0x.go
"output": "ab0x.go",
// [noprefix] disables adding "a" prefix to output
// type: bool
// default: false
"noprefix": false,
// [unexporTed] builds non-exporTed functions, variables and types...
// type: bool
// default: false
"unexporTed": false,
// [spread] means it will make a file to hold all fileb0x data
// and each file into a separaTed .go file
// example:
// theres 2 files in the folder assets, they're: hello.json and world.txt
// when spread is activaTed, fileb0x will make a file:
// b0x.go or [output]'s data, assets_hello.json.go and assets_world.txt.go
// type: bool
// default: false
"spread": false,
// [lcf] log changed files when spread is active
"lcf": true,
// [debug] is a debug mode where the files are read directly from the file
// sytem. Useful for web dev when files change when the server is running.
// type: bool
// default: false
"debug": false,
// type: array of objects
"custom": [
// type: array of strings
"files": [