mirror of https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/bluecrypt-keypairs.js synced 2025-03-14 12:20:43 +00:00

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This commit is contained in:
AJ ONeal 2019-04-20 00:09:36 -06:00
parent 66e2cb70a8
commit 959d2ff009
2 changed files with 936 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -51,6 +51,7 @@
<script src="./lib/ecdsa.js"></script> <script src="./lib/ecdsa.js"></script>
<script src="./lib/rsa.js"></script> <script src="./lib/rsa.js"></script>
<script src="./lib/keypairs.js"></script> <script src="./lib/keypairs.js"></script>
<script src="./lib/acme.js"></script>
<script src="./app.js"></script> <script src="./app.js"></script>
</body> </body>
</html> </html>

lib/acme.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,935 @@
// Copyright 2018-present AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
(function (exports) {
'use strict';
/* globals Promise */
var ACME = exports.ACME = {};
var Enc = exports.Enc || {};
var Crypto = exports.Crypto || {};
ACME.formatPemChain = function formatPemChain(str) {
return str.trim().replace(/[\r\n]+/g, '\n').replace(/\-\n\-/g, '-\n\n-') + '\n';
ACME.splitPemChain = function splitPemChain(str) {
return str.trim().split(/[\r\n]{2,}/g).map(function (str) {
return str + '\n';
// http-01: GET https://example.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/{{token}} => {{keyAuth}}
// dns-01: TXT _acme-challenge.example.org. => "{{urlSafeBase64(sha256(keyAuth))}}"
ACME.challengePrefixes = {
'http-01': '/.well-known/acme-challenge'
, 'dns-01': '_acme-challenge'
ACME.challengeTests = {
'http-01': function (me, auth) {
var url = 'http://' + auth.hostname + ACME.challengePrefixes['http-01'] + '/' + auth.token;
return me._request({ method: 'GET', url: url }).then(function (resp) {
var err;
// TODO limit the number of bytes that are allowed to be downloaded
if (auth.keyAuthorization === resp.body.toString('utf8').trim()) {
return true;
err = new Error(
"Error: Failed HTTP-01 Pre-Flight / Dry Run.\n"
+ "curl '" + url + "'\n"
+ "Expected: '" + auth.keyAuthorization + "'\n"
+ "Got: '" + resp.body + "'\n"
+ "See https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2.js/issues/4"
err.code = 'E_FAIL_DRY_CHALLENGE';
return Promise.reject(err);
, 'dns-01': function (me, auth) {
// remove leading *. on wildcard domains
return me.dig({
type: 'TXT'
, name: auth.dnsHost
}).then(function (ans) {
var err;
if (ans.answer.some(function (txt) {
return auth.dnsAuthorization === txt.data[0];
})) {
return true;
err = new Error(
"Error: Failed DNS-01 Pre-Flight Dry Run.\n"
+ "dig TXT '" + auth.dnsHost + "' does not return '" + auth.dnsAuthorization + "'\n"
+ "See https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2.js/issues/4"
err.code = 'E_FAIL_DRY_CHALLENGE';
return Promise.reject(err);
ACME._directory = function (me) {
// GET-as-GET ok
return me._request({ method: 'GET', url: me.directoryUrl, json: true });
ACME._getNonce = function (me) {
// GET-as-GET, HEAD-as-HEAD ok
if (me._nonce) { return new Promise(function (resolve) { resolve(me._nonce); return; }); }
return me._request({ method: 'HEAD', url: me._directoryUrls.newNonce }).then(function (resp) {
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
return me._nonce;
// ACME RFC Section 7.3 Account Creation
"protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"jwk": {...},
"nonce": "6S8IqOGY7eL2lsGoTZYifg",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/new-account"
"payload": base64url({
"termsOfServiceAgreed": true,
"onlyReturnExisting": false,
"contact": [
"signature": "RZPOnYoPs1PhjszF...-nh6X1qtOFPB519I"
ACME._registerAccount = function (me, options) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('[acme-v2] accounts.create'); }
return ACME._getNonce(me).then(function () {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
function agree(tosUrl) {
var err;
if (me._tos !== tosUrl) {
err = new Error("You must agree to the ToS at '" + me._tos + "'");
err.code = "E_AGREE_TOS";
var jwk = me.RSA.exportPublicJwk(options.accountKeypair);
var contact;
if (options.contact) {
contact = options.contact.slice(0);
} else if (options.email) {
contact = [ 'mailto:' + options.email ];
var body = {
termsOfServiceAgreed: tosUrl === me._tos
, onlyReturnExisting: false
, contact: contact
if (options.externalAccount) {
// TODO is this really done by HMAC or is it arbitrary?
body.externalAccountBinding = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { alg: "HS256"
, kid: options.externalAccount.id
, url: me._directoryUrls.newAccount
, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify(jwk))
var payload = JSON.stringify(body);
var jws = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { nonce: me._nonce
, alg: (me._alg || 'RS256')
, url: me._directoryUrls.newAccount
, jwk: jwk
, Buffer.from(payload)
delete jws.header;
if (me.debug) { console.debug('[acme-v2] accounts.create JSON body:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(jws); }
me._nonce = null;
return me._request({
method: 'POST'
, url: me._directoryUrls.newAccount
, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json' }
, json: jws
}).then(function (resp) {
var account = resp.body;
if (2 !== Math.floor(resp.statusCode / 100)) {
throw new Error('account error: ' + JSON.stringify(body));
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
var location = resp.toJSON().headers.location;
// the account id url
me._kid = location;
if (me.debug) { console.debug('[DEBUG] new account location:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(location); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.toJSON()); }
contact: ["mailto:jon@example.com"],
orders: "https://some-url",
status: 'valid'
if (!account) { account = { _emptyResponse: true, key: {} }; }
// https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2.js/issues/8
if (!account.key) { account.key = {}; }
account.key.kid = me._kid;
return account;
}).then(resolve, reject);
if (me.debug) { console.debug('[acme-v2] agreeToTerms'); }
if (1 === options.agreeToTerms.length) {
// newer promise API
return options.agreeToTerms(me._tos).then(agree, reject);
else if (2 === options.agreeToTerms.length) {
// backwards compat cb API
return options.agreeToTerms(me._tos, function (err, tosUrl) {
if (!err) { agree(tosUrl); return; }
else {
reject(new Error('agreeToTerms has incorrect function signature.'
+ ' Should be fn(tos) { return Promise<tos>; }'));
POST /acme/new-order HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/jose+json
"protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/1",
"nonce": "5XJ1L3lEkMG7tR6pA00clA",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/new-order"
"payload": base64url({
"identifiers": [{"type:"dns","value":"example.com"}],
"notBefore": "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z",
"notAfter": "2016-01-08T00:00:00Z"
"signature": "H6ZXtGjTZyUnPeKn...wEA4TklBdh3e454g"
ACME._getChallenges = function (me, options, auth) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('\n[DEBUG] getChallenges\n'); }
return me._request({ method: 'GET', url: auth, json: true }).then(function (resp) {
return resp.body;
ACME._wait = function wait(ms) {
return new Promise(function (resolve) {
setTimeout(resolve, (ms || 1100));
ACME._testChallengeOptions = function () {
var chToken = ACME._prnd(16);
return [
"type": "http-01",
"status": "pending",
"url": "https://acme-staging-v02.example.com/0",
"token": "test-" + chToken + "-0"
, {
"type": "dns-01",
"status": "pending",
"url": "https://acme-staging-v02.example.com/1",
"token": "test-" + chToken + "-1",
"_wildcard": true
, {
"type": "tls-sni-01",
"status": "pending",
"url": "https://acme-staging-v02.example.com/2",
"token": "test-" + chToken + "-2"
, {
"type": "tls-alpn-01",
"status": "pending",
"url": "https://acme-staging-v02.example.com/3",
"token": "test-" + chToken + "-3"
ACME._testChallenges = function (me, options) {
if (me.skipChallengeTest) {
return Promise.resolve();
var CHECK_DELAY = 0;
return Promise.all(options.domains.map(function (identifierValue) {
// TODO we really only need one to pass, not all to pass
var challenges = ACME._testChallengeOptions();
if (identifierValue.includes("*")) {
challenges = challenges.filter(function (ch) { return ch._wildcard; });
var challenge = ACME._chooseChallenge(options, { challenges: challenges });
if (!challenge) {
// For example, wildcards require dns-01 and, if we don't have that, we have to bail
var enabled = options.challengeTypes.join(', ') || 'none';
var suitable = challenges.map(function (r) { return r.type; }).join(', ') || 'none';
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"None of the challenge types that you've enabled ( " + enabled + " )"
+ " are suitable for validating the domain you've selected (" + identifierValue + ")."
+ " You must enable one of ( " + suitable + " )."
if ('dns-01' === challenge.type) {
// Give the nameservers a moment to propagate
CHECK_DELAY = 1.5 * 1000;
return Promise.resolve().then(function () {
var results = {
identifier: {
type: "dns"
, value: identifierValue.replace(/^\*\./, '')
, challenges: [ challenge ]
, expires: new Date(Date.now() + (60 * 1000)).toISOString()
, wildcard: identifierValue.includes('*.') || undefined
var dryrun = true;
var auth = ACME._challengeToAuth(me, options, results, challenge, dryrun);
return ACME._setChallenge(me, options, auth).then(function () {
return auth;
})).then(function (auths) {
return ACME._wait(CHECK_DELAY).then(function () {
return Promise.all(auths.map(function (auth) {
return ACME.challengeTests[auth.type](me, auth);
ACME._chooseChallenge = function(options, results) {
// For each of the challenge types that we support
var challenge;
options.challengeTypes.some(function (chType) {
// And for each of the challenge types that are allowed
return results.challenges.some(function (ch) {
// Check to see if there are any matches
if (ch.type === chType) {
challenge = ch;
return true;
return challenge;
ACME._challengeToAuth = function (me, options, request, challenge, dryrun) {
// we don't poison the dns cache with our dummy request
var dnsPrefix = ACME.challengePrefixes['dns-01'];
if (dryrun) {
dnsPrefix = dnsPrefix.replace('acme-challenge', 'greenlock-dryrun-' + ACME._prnd(4));
var auth = {};
// straight copy from the new order response
// { identifier, status, expires, challenges, wildcard }
Object.keys(request).forEach(function (key) {
auth[key] = request[key];
// copy from the challenge we've chosen
// { type, status, url, token }
// (note the duplicate status overwrites the one above, but they should be the same)
Object.keys(challenge).forEach(function (key) {
// don't confused devs with the id url
auth[key] = challenge[key];
// batteries-included helpers
auth.hostname = auth.identifier.value;
// because I'm not 100% clear if the wildcard identifier does or doesn't have the leading *. in all cases
auth.altname = ACME._untame(auth.identifier.value, auth.wildcard);
auth.thumbprint = me.RSA.thumbprint(options.accountKeypair);
// keyAuthorization = token || '.' || base64url(JWK_Thumbprint(accountKey))
auth.keyAuthorization = challenge.token + '.' + auth.thumbprint;
// conflicts with ACME challenge id url is already in use, so we call this challengeUrl instead
auth.challengeUrl = 'http://' + auth.identifier.value + ACME.challengePrefixes['http-01'] + '/' + auth.token;
auth.dnsHost = dnsPrefix + '.' + auth.hostname.replace('*.', '');
return Crypto._sha('sha256', auth.keyAuthorization).then(function (hash) {
auth.dnsAuthorization = hash;
return auth;
ACME._untame = function (name, wild) {
if (wild) { name = '*.' + name.replace('*.', ''); }
return name;
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-10#section-7.5.1
ACME._postChallenge = function (me, options, auth) {
var RETRY_INTERVAL = me.retryInterval || 1000;
var DEAUTH_INTERVAL = me.deauthWait || 10 * 1000;
var MAX_POLL = me.retryPoll || 8;
var MAX_PEND = me.retryPending || 4;
var count = 0;
var altname = ACME._untame(auth.identifier.value, auth.wildcard);
POST /acme/authz/1234 HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/jose+json
"protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/1",
"nonce": "xWCM9lGbIyCgue8di6ueWQ",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/authz/1234"
"payload": base64url({
"status": "deactivated"
"signature": "srX9Ji7Le9bjszhu...WTFdtujObzMtZcx4"
function deactivate() {
var jws = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { nonce: me._nonce, alg: (me._alg || 'RS256'), url: auth.url, kid: me._kid }
, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ "status": "deactivated" }))
me._nonce = null;
return me._request({
method: 'POST'
, url: auth.url
, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json' }
, json: jws
}).then(function (resp) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('[acme-v2.js] deactivate:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.headers); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.body); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(); }
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
if (me.debug) { console.debug('deactivate challenge: resp.body:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.body); }
function pollStatus() {
if (count >= MAX_POLL) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"[acme-v2] stuck in bad pending/processing state for '" + altname + "'"
count += 1;
if (me.debug) { console.debug('\n[DEBUG] statusChallenge\n'); }
return me._request({ method: 'GET', url: auth.url, json: true }).then(function (resp) {
if ('processing' === resp.body.status) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('poll: again'); }
return ACME._wait(RETRY_INTERVAL).then(pollStatus);
// This state should never occur
if ('pending' === resp.body.status) {
if (count >= MAX_PEND) {
return ACME._wait(RETRY_INTERVAL).then(deactivate).then(respondToChallenge);
if (me.debug) { console.debug('poll: again'); }
return ACME._wait(RETRY_INTERVAL).then(respondToChallenge);
if ('valid' === resp.body.status) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('poll: valid'); }
try {
if (1 === options.removeChallenge.length) {
options.removeChallenge(auth).then(function () {}, function () {});
} else if (2 === options.removeChallenge.length) {
options.removeChallenge(auth, function (err) { return err; });
} else {
if (!ACME._removeChallengeWarn) {
console.warn("Please update to acme-v2 removeChallenge(options) <Promise> or removeChallenge(options, cb).");
console.warn("The API has been changed for compatibility with all ACME / Let's Encrypt challenge types.");
ACME._removeChallengeWarn = true;
options.removeChallenge(auth.request.identifier, auth.token, function () {});
} catch(e) {}
return resp.body;
var errmsg;
if (!resp.body.status) {
errmsg = "[acme-v2] (E_STATE_EMPTY) empty challenge state for '" + altname + "':";
else if ('invalid' === resp.body.status) {
errmsg = "[acme-v2] (E_STATE_INVALID) challenge state for '" + altname + "': '" + resp.body.status + "'";
else {
errmsg = "[acme-v2] (E_STATE_UKN) challenge state for '" + altname + "': '" + resp.body.status + "'";
return Promise.reject(new Error(errmsg));
function respondToChallenge() {
var jws = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { nonce: me._nonce, alg: (me._alg || 'RS256'), url: auth.url, kid: me._kid }
, Buffer.from(JSON.stringify({ }))
me._nonce = null;
return me._request({
method: 'POST'
, url: auth.url
, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json' }
, json: jws
}).then(function (resp) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('[acme-v2.js] challenge accepted!'); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.headers); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.body); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(); }
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
if (me.debug) { console.debug('respond to challenge: resp.body:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.body); }
return ACME._wait(RETRY_INTERVAL).then(pollStatus);
return respondToChallenge();
ACME._setChallenge = function (me, options, auth) {
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
try {
if (1 === options.setChallenge.length) {
} else if (2 === options.setChallenge.length) {
options.setChallenge(auth, function (err) {
if(err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); }
} else {
var challengeCb = function(err) {
if(err) { reject(err); } else { resolve(); }
// for backwards compat adding extra keys without changing params length
Object.keys(auth).forEach(function (key) {
challengeCb[key] = auth[key];
if (!ACME._setChallengeWarn) {
console.warn("Please update to acme-v2 setChallenge(options) <Promise> or setChallenge(options, cb).");
console.warn("The API has been changed for compatibility with all ACME / Let's Encrypt challenge types.");
ACME._setChallengeWarn = true;
options.setChallenge(auth.identifier.value, auth.token, auth.keyAuthorization, challengeCb);
} catch(e) {
}).then(function () {
// TODO: Do we still need this delay? Or shall we leave it to plugins to account for themselves?
var DELAY = me.setChallengeWait || 500;
if (me.debug) { console.debug('\n[DEBUG] waitChallengeDelay %s\n', DELAY); }
return ACME._wait(DELAY);
ACME._finalizeOrder = function (me, options, validatedDomains) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('finalizeOrder:'); }
var csr = me.RSA.generateCsrWeb64(options.domainKeypair, validatedDomains);
var body = { csr: csr };
var payload = JSON.stringify(body);
function pollCert() {
var jws = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { nonce: me._nonce, alg: (me._alg || 'RS256'), url: me._finalize, kid: me._kid }
, Buffer.from(payload)
if (me.debug) { console.debug('finalize:', me._finalize); }
me._nonce = null;
return me._request({
method: 'POST'
, url: me._finalize
, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json' }
, json: jws
}).then(function (resp) {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-12#section-7.1.3
// Possible values are: "pending" => ("invalid" || "ready") => "processing" => "valid"
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
if (me.debug) { console.debug('order finalized: resp.body:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.body); }
if ('valid' === resp.body.status) {
me._expires = resp.body.expires;
me._certificate = resp.body.certificate;
return resp.body; // return order
if ('processing' === resp.body.status) {
return ACME._wait().then(pollCert);
if (me.debug) { console.debug("Error: bad status:\n" + JSON.stringify(resp.body, null, 2)); }
if ('pending' === resp.body.status) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"Did not finalize order: status 'pending'."
+ " Best guess: You have not accepted at least one challenge for each domain:\n"
+ "Requested: '" + options.domains.join(', ') + "'\n"
+ "Validated: '" + validatedDomains.join(', ') + "'\n"
+ JSON.stringify(resp.body, null, 2)
if ('invalid' === resp.body.status) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"Did not finalize order: status 'invalid'."
+ " Best guess: One or more of the domain challenges could not be verified"
+ " (or the order was canceled).\n"
+ "Requested: '" + options.domains.join(', ') + "'\n"
+ "Validated: '" + validatedDomains.join(', ') + "'\n"
+ JSON.stringify(resp.body, null, 2)
if ('ready' === resp.body.status) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"Did not finalize order: status 'ready'."
+ " Hmmm... this state shouldn't be possible here. That was the last state."
+ " This one should at least be 'processing'.\n"
+ "Requested: '" + options.domains.join(', ') + "'\n"
+ "Validated: '" + validatedDomains.join(', ') + "'\n"
+ JSON.stringify(resp.body, null, 2) + "\n\n"
+ "Please open an issue at https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2.js"
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"Didn't finalize order: Unhandled status '" + resp.body.status + "'."
+ " This is not one of the known statuses...\n"
+ "Requested: '" + options.domains.join(', ') + "'\n"
+ "Validated: '" + validatedDomains.join(', ') + "'\n"
+ JSON.stringify(resp.body, null, 2) + "\n\n"
+ "Please open an issue at https://git.coolaj86.com/coolaj86/acme-v2.js"
return pollCert();
ACME._getCertificate = function (me, options) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('[acme-v2] DEBUG get cert 1'); }
// Lot's of error checking to inform the user of mistakes
if (!(options.challengeTypes||[]).length) {
options.challengeTypes = Object.keys(options.challenges||{});
if (!options.challengeTypes.length) {
options.challengeTypes = [ options.challengeType ].filter(Boolean);
if (options.challengeType) {
options.challengeTypes.sort(function (a, b) {
if (a === options.challengeType) { return -1; }
if (b === options.challengeType) { return 1; }
return 0;
if (options.challengeType !== options.challengeTypes[0]) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("options.challengeType is '" + options.challengeType + "',"
+ " which does not exist in the supplied types '" + options.challengeTypes.join(',') + "'"));
// TODO check that all challengeTypes are represented in challenges
if (!options.challengeTypes.length) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("options.challengeTypes (string array) must be specified"
+ " (and in order of preferential priority)."));
if (!(options.domains && options.domains.length)) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("options.domains must be a list of string domain names,"
+ " with the first being the subject of the domain (or options.subject must specified)."));
// It's just fine if there's no account, we'll go get the key id we need via the public key
if (!me._kid) {
if (options.accountKid || options.account && options.account.kid) {
me._kid = options.accountKid || options.account.kid;
} else {
//return Promise.reject(new Error("must include KeyID"));
// This is an idempotent request. It'll return the same account for the same public key.
return ACME._registerAccount(me, options).then(function () {
// start back from the top
return ACME._getCertificate(me, options);
// Do a little dry-run / self-test
return ACME._testChallenges(me, options).then(function () {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('[acme-v2] certificates.create'); }
return ACME._getNonce(me).then(function () {
var body = {
// raw wildcard syntax MUST be used here
identifiers: options.domains.sort(function (a, b) {
// the first in the list will be the subject of the certificate, I believe (and hope)
if (!options.subject) { return 0; }
if (options.subject === a) { return -1; }
if (options.subject === b) { return 1; }
return 0;
}).map(function (hostname) {
return { type: "dns", value: hostname };
//, "notBefore": "2016-01-01T00:00:00Z"
//, "notAfter": "2016-01-08T00:00:00Z"
var payload = JSON.stringify(body);
// determine the signing algorithm to use in protected header // TODO isn't that handled by the signer?
me._kty = (options.accountKeypair.privateKeyJwk && options.accountKeypair.privateKeyJwk.kty || 'RSA');
me._alg = ('EC' === me._kty) ? 'ES256' : 'RS256'; // TODO vary with bitwidth of key (if not handled)
var jws = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { nonce: me._nonce, alg: me._alg, url: me._directoryUrls.newOrder, kid: me._kid }
, Buffer.from(payload, 'utf8')
if (me.debug) { console.debug('\n[DEBUG] newOrder\n'); }
me._nonce = null;
return me._request({
method: 'POST'
, url: me._directoryUrls.newOrder
, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json' }
, json: jws
}).then(function (resp) {
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
var location = resp.toJSON().headers.location;
var setAuths;
var auths = [];
if (me.debug) { console.debug(location); } // the account id url
if (me.debug) { console.debug(resp.toJSON()); }
me._authorizations = resp.body.authorizations;
me._order = location;
me._finalize = resp.body.finalize;
//if (me.debug) console.debug('[DEBUG] finalize:', me._finalize); return;
if (!me._authorizations) {
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"[acme-v2.js] authorizations were not fetched for '" + options.domains.join() + "':\n"
+ JSON.stringify(resp.body)
if (me.debug) { console.debug("[acme-v2] POST newOrder has authorizations"); }
setAuths = me._authorizations.slice(0);
function setNext() {
var authUrl = setAuths.shift();
if (!authUrl) { return; }
return ACME._getChallenges(me, options, authUrl).then(function (results) {
// var domain = options.domains[i]; // results.identifier.value
// If it's already valid, we're golden it regardless
if (results.challenges.some(function (ch) { return 'valid' === ch.status; })) {
return setNext();
var challenge = ACME._chooseChallenge(options, results);
if (!challenge) {
// For example, wildcards require dns-01 and, if we don't have that, we have to bail
return Promise.reject(new Error(
"Server didn't offer any challenge we can handle for '" + options.domains.join() + "'."
return ACME._challengeToAuth(me, options, results, challenge, false).then(function (auth) {
return ACME._setChallenge(me, options, auth).then(setNext);
function challengeNext() {
var auth = auths.shift();
if (!auth) { return; }
return ACME._postChallenge(me, options, auth).then(challengeNext);
// First we set every challenge
// Then we ask for each challenge to be checked
// Doing otherwise would potentially cause us to poison our own DNS cache with misses
return setNext().then(challengeNext).then(function () {
if (me.debug) { console.debug("[getCertificate] next.then"); }
var validatedDomains = body.identifiers.map(function (ident) {
return ident.value;
return ACME._finalizeOrder(me, options, validatedDomains);
}).then(function (order) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('acme-v2: order was finalized'); }
return me._request({ method: 'GET', url: me._certificate, json: true }).then(function (resp) {
if (me.debug) { console.debug('acme-v2: csr submitted and cert received:'); }
// https://github.com/certbot/certbot/issues/5721
var certsarr = ACME.splitPemChain(ACME.formatPemChain((resp.body||'')));
// cert, chain, fullchain, privkey, /*TODO, subject, altnames, issuedAt, expiresAt */
var certs = {
expires: order.expires
, identifiers: order.identifiers
//, authorizations: order.authorizations
, cert: certsarr.shift()
//, privkey: privkeyPem
, chain: certsarr.join('\n')
if (me.debug) { console.debug(certs); }
return certs;
ACME.create = function create(me) {
if (!me) { me = {}; }
// me.debug = true;
me.challengePrefixes = ACME.challengePrefixes;
me.RSA = me.RSA || require('rsa-compat').RSA;
//me.Keypairs = me.Keypairs || require('keypairs');
me.request = me.request || require('@coolaj86/urequest');
if (!me.dig) {
me.dig = function (query) {
// TODO use digd.js
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var dns = require('dns');
dns.resolveTxt(query.name, function (err, records) {
if (err) { reject(err); return; }
answer: records.map(function (rr) {
return {
data: rr
me.promisify = me.promisify || require('util').promisify /*node v8+*/ || require('bluebird').promisify /*node v6*/;
if ('function' !== typeof me._request) {
// MUST have a User-Agent string (see node.js version)
me._request = function (opts) {
return window.fetch(opts.url, opts).then(function (resp) {
return resp.json().then(function (json) {
var headers = {};
Array.from(resp.headers.entries()).forEach(function (h) { headers[h[0]] = h[1]; });
return { headers: headers , body: json };
me.init = function (_directoryUrl) {
me.directoryUrl = me.directoryUrl || _directoryUrl;
return ACME._directory(me).then(function (resp) {
me._directoryUrls = resp.body;
me._tos = me._directoryUrls.meta.termsOfService;
return me._directoryUrls;
me.accounts = {
create: function (options) {
return ACME._registerAccount(me, options);
me.certificates = {
create: function (options) {
return ACME._getCertificate(me, options);
return me;
ACME._toWebsafeBase64 = function (b64) {
return b64.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/=/g,"");
// In v8 this is crypto random, but we're just using it for pseudorandom
ACME._prnd = function (n) {
var rnd = '';
while (rnd.length / 2 < n) {
var num = Math.random().toString().substr(2);
if (num.length % 2) {
num = '0' + num;
var pairs = num.match(/(..?)/g);
rnd += pairs.map(ACME._toHex).join('');
return rnd.substr(0, n*2);
ACME._toHex = function (pair) {
return parseInt(pair, 10).toString(16);
Enc.bufToUrlBase64 = function (u8) {
return Enc.bufToBase64(u8)
.replace(/\+/g, '-').replace(/\//g, '_').replace(/=/g, '');
Enc.bufToBase64 = function (u8) {
var bin = '';
u8.forEach(function (i) {
bin += String.fromCharCode(i);
return btoa(bin);
Crypto._sha = function (sha, str) {
var encoder = new TextEncoder();
var data = encoder.encode(str);
sha = 'SHA-' + sha.replace(/^sha-?/i, '');
return window.crypto.subtle.digest(sha, data).then(function (hash) {
return Enc.bufToUrlBase64(new Uint8Array(hash));
}('undefined' === typeof window ? module.exports : window));