mirror of
synced 2025-03-15 04:50:37 +00:00
v1.0.0: An insanely small ASN.1 codec for Node.js and Browsers
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
# ---> Node
# Logs
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# asn1.js
# @root/asn1
Lightweight, Zero-Dependency ASN.1 encoder and decoder in less than 200 lines of vanilla JavaScript
Built by [The Root Company](https://therootcompany.com)
for [Greenlock](https://greenlock.domains)
and [ACME.js](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/acme.js)
Lightweight, Zero-Dependency ASN.1 encoder and decoder for Node.js and Browsers,
in less than 300 lines of vanilla JavaScript
| 1.6k gzipped
| 4.2k minified
| 8.4k pretty
- [x] Zero External Dependencies
- [x] Universal Support
- [x] Node.js
- [x] Browsers
- [x] Vanilla JS
This ASN.1 codec is built for simplicity. It encodes into DER format
and decodes into a simple, classless Array of Arrays and values.
Most people don't actually want to work with ANS.1 directly,
but rather intend to work with pre-defined x509 schemas.
If you're **most people**, you're actually looking for one or more of these:
- [pem.js](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/pem.js)
- [x509.js](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/x509.js)
- [csr.js](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/csr.js)
- [keypairs.js](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/keypairs.js)
- [encoding.js](https://git.rootprojects.org/root/encoding.js)
Want to [contribute](#contributions)?
Need [commercial support](#commercial-support)?
# Usage
ASN.1 DER consists values which have
- a type (2-bit class, 6-bit tag)
- a coded length
- zero or more values
Common types include:
0x05 NULL
0x0C UTF8String
0x16 IA5String (ASCII)
0x17 UTCTime
0x31 SET
0xA0 context-specific***
0xA3 context-specific***
<small>\* INTEGERS are always BigInt-encoded (a leading '00' for positive numbers with a 1 in the most-significant-bit position)</small>
<small>\*\*BIT STRINGS have a leading "bit mask" which, for all practical purposes, is actually _always_ '00'</small>
<small>\*\*\* See <https://stackoverflow.com/a/15071901/151312></small>
The core value in this library is that it:
- correctly sums the byte length of children elements
- correctly encodes BigInts
## Parser Usage
There are three options:
- `der` (required) - the input bytes as a buffer
- `json` (default) - returns hex strings for values, rather than buffers
- `verbose` - returns a more human-friendly object that is useful for debugging
ASN1.parse({ der: `<Buffer>`, json: true, verbose: true });
Default (hex) output:
['02', '01'],
['04', '2c8996...'],
['a0', [['06', '2a8648...']]],
['a1', [['03', '04bdd8...']]]
Verbose output:
{ type: 48,
lengthSize: 0,
length: 119,
[ { type: 2, lengthSize: 0, length: 1, value: <Buffer 01> },
{ type: 4,
lengthSize: 0,
length: 32,
<Buffer 2c 89 96 ...>,
children: [] },
{ type: 160, lengthSize: 0, length: 10, children: [Array] },
{ type: 161, lengthSize: 0, length: 68, children: [Array] } ] }
## Packer Usage
You can use either of two syntaxes. One is much easier to read than the other.
Ironically, hex strings are used in place of buffers for efficiency.
ASN1.Any(hexType, hexBytes1, hexBytes2, ...);
In practice, you'll be cascading the objects into a final hex string:
// result is a hex-encoded DER
var der = hexToBuf(
ASN1.Any('30' // Sequence
, ASN1.UInt('01') // Integer (Version 1)
, ASN1.Any('04', '07CAD7...') // Octet String
, ASN1.Any('A0', '06082A...') // [0] Object ID (context-specific)
, ASN1.Any('A1', // [1] (context-specific value)
Alternatively you can pack either the sparse array or verbose object, using hex strings or buffers:
- `json` when set to true will return a hex-encoded DER rather than a DER buffer
var buf = Uint8Array.from([0x01]);
['02', buf],
['04', '07CAD7...'],
['A0', '06082A...'],
['A1', ['03', '04BDD8...']]
{ json: false }
var buf = Uint8Array.from([0x01]);
type: 48,
children: [
{ type: 2, value: '01' },
{ type: 4, value: '2c 89 96 ...', children: [] },
{ type: 160, children: [...] },
{ type: 161, children: [...] }
{ json: false }
# Install
This package contains both node-specific and browser-specific code,
and the `package.json#browser` field ensures that your package manager
will automatically choose the correct code for your environment.
## Node (and Webpack)
npm install -g @root/asn1
var asn1 = require('@root/asn1');
// just the packer
var asn1 = require('@root/asn1/packer');
// just the parser
var asn1 = require('@root/asn1/parser');
## Browsers (Vanilla JS)
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@root/asn1/dist/asn1.all.js"></script>
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@root/asn1/dist/asn1.all.min.js"></script>
var ASN1 = window.ASN1;
# Examples
## Decoding DER to JSON-ASN.1
var PEM = require('@root/pem/packer');
var Enc = require('@root/encoding');
var ASN1 = require('@root/asn1/parser');
var pem = [
'-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----'
var der = PEM.parseBlock(pem).bytes;
var asn1 = ASN1.parse({ der: der, json: true, verbose: false });
["02", "01"],
["a0", [["06", "2a8648ce3d030107"]]],
"type": 48,
"lengthSize": 0,
"length": 119,
"children": [
{ "type": 2, "lengthSize": 0, "length": 1, "value": "01" },
"type": 4,
"lengthSize": 0,
"length": 32,
"value": "2c8996c6aa931db3f72c741faac703494cdffee35e3c6a9ff54e844c470ee47a",
"children": []
"type": 160,
"lengthSize": 0,
"length": 10,
"children": [
"type": 6,
"lengthSize": 0,
"length": 8,
"value": "2a8648ce3d030107"
"type": 161,
"lengthSize": 0,
"length": 68,
"children": [
"type": 3,
"lengthSize": 0,
"length": 66,
"value": "04bdd8d0dd3e95057f362c8283cdea58811b33dc7811c29f37c8fba89eeeafaa8b2149045ed00c9e9a67575035f6c1366c9854a3858f6eae846205b199ae281b28",
"children": []
## Encoding ASN.1 to DER
Here's an example of an SEC1-encoded EC P-256 Public/Private Keypair:
var ASN1 = require('@root/asn1/packer');
var Enc = require('@root/encoding');
var PEM = require('@root/pem/packer');
// 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7
// prime256v1 (ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curve)
var OBJ_ID_EC_256 = '06 08 2A8648CE3D030107';
var jwk = {
crv: 'P-256',
d: 'LImWxqqTHbP3LHQfqscDSUzf_uNePGqf9U6ETEcO5Ho',
kty: 'EC',
x: 'vdjQ3T6VBX82LIKDzepYgRsz3HgRwp83yPuonu6vqos',
y: 'IUkEXtAMnppnV1A19sE2bJhUo4WPbq6EYgWxma4oGyg',
kid: 'MnfJYyS9W5gUjrJLdn8ePMzik8ZJz2qc-VZmKOs_oCw'
var d = Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.d);
var x = Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.x);
var y = Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.y);
var der = Enc.hexToBuf(
ASN1.Any('30' // Sequence
, ASN1.UInt('01') // Integer (Version 1)
, ASN1.Any('04', d) // Octet String
, ASN1.Any('A0', OBJ_ID_EC_256) // [0] Object ID
, ASN1.Any('A1', // [1] Embedded EC/ASN1 public key
ASN1.BitStr('04' + x + y)
var pem = PEM.packBlock({
bytes: der
# Disabiguation
`ASN1.Any(typ, hexVal, ...)`
There was once an actual ASN.1 type with the literal name 'Any'.
It was deprecated in 1994 and the `Any` in this API simply means "give any value"
# Contributions
Did this project save you some time? Maybe make your day? Even save the day?
Please say "thanks" via Paypal or Patreon:
- Paypal: [\$5](https://paypal.me/rootprojects/5) | [\$10](https://paypal.me/rootprojects/10) | Any amount: <paypal@therootcompany.com>
- Patreon: <https://patreon.com/rootprojects>
Where does your contribution go?
[Root](https://therootcompany.com) is a collection of experts
who trust each other and enjoy working together on deep-tech,
Indie Web projects.
Our goal is to operate as a sustainable community.
Your contributions - both in code and _especially_ monetarily -
help to not just this project, but also our broader work
of [projects](https://rootprojects.org) that fuel the **Indie Web**.
Also, we chat on [Keybase](https://keybase.io)
in [#rootprojects](https://keybase.io/team/rootprojects)
# Commercial Support
Do you need...
- more features?
- bugfixes, on _your_ timeline?
- custom code, built by experts?
- commercial support and licensing?
Contact <aj@therootcompany.com> for support options.
# Legal
Copyright [AJ ONeal](https://coolaj86.com),
[Root](https://therootcompany.com) 2018-2019
MPL-2.0 |
[Terms of Use](https://therootcompany.com/legal/#terms) |
[Privacy Policy](https://therootcompany.com/legal/#privacy)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
# TODO convert to JS
cat parser.js packer.js > all.tmp.js
sed -i '' '/use strict/d' all.tmp.js
sed -i '' '/require/d' all.tmp.js
sed -i '' '/exports/d' all.tmp.js
echo ';(function () {' > dist/asn1.js
echo "'use strict';" >> dist/asn1.js
echo "var ASN1 = window.ASN1 = {};" >> dist/asn1.js
echo "var Enc = window.Encoding;" >> dist/asn1.js
cat all.tmp.js >> dist/asn1.js
rm all.tmp.js
echo '}());' >> dist/asn1.js
rm dist/*.gz
cat node_modules/@root/encoding/dist/encoding.all.js > all.js
cat dist/asn1.js >> all.js
uglifyjs dist/asn1.js > dist/asn1.min.js
gzip dist/asn1.min.js
uglifyjs dist/asn1.js > dist/asn1.min.js
mv all.js dist/asn1.all.js
uglifyjs dist/asn1.all.js > dist/asn1.all.min.js
gzip dist/asn1.all.min.js
uglifyjs dist/asn1.all.js > dist/asn1.all.min.js
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
;(function () {
'use strict';
var Enc = window.Encoding = {};
// To Base64
Enc.bufToBase64 = function(u8) {
var bin = '';
u8.forEach(function(i) {
bin += String.fromCharCode(i);
return btoa(bin);
Enc.strToBase64 = function(str) {
return btoa(Enc.strToBin(str));
// From Base64
function _base64ToBin(b64) {
return atob(Enc.urlBase64ToBase64(b64));
Enc._base64ToBin = _base64ToBin;
Enc.base64ToBuf = function(b64) {
return Enc.binToBuf(_base64ToBin(b64));
Enc.base64ToStr = function(b64) {
return Enc.binToStr(_base64ToBin(b64));
// URL Safe Base64
Enc.urlBase64ToBase64 = function(u64) {
var r = u64 % 4;
if (2 === r) {
u64 += '==';
} else if (3 === r) {
u64 += '=';
return u64.replace(/-/g, '+').replace(/_/g, '/');
Enc.base64ToUrlBase64 = function(b64) {
return b64
.replace(/\+/g, '-')
.replace(/\//g, '_')
.replace(/=/g, '');
Enc.bufToUrlBase64 = function(buf) {
return Enc.base64ToUrlBase64(Enc.bufToBase64(buf));
Enc.strToUrlBase64 = function(str) {
return Enc.bufToUrlBase64(Enc.strToBuf(str));
// To Hex
Enc.bufToHex = function(u8) {
var hex = [];
var i, h;
var len = u8.byteLength || u8.length;
for (i = 0; i < len; i += 1) {
h = u8[i].toString(16);
if (2 !== h.length) {
h = '0' + h;
return hex.join('').toLowerCase();
Enc.numToHex = function(d) {
d = d.toString(16); // .padStart(2, '0');
if (d.length % 2) {
return '0' + d;
return d;
Enc.strToHex = function(str) {
return Enc._binToHex(Enc.strToBin(str));
Enc._binToHex = function(bin) {
return bin
.map(function(ch) {
var h = ch.charCodeAt(0).toString(16);
if (2 !== h.length) {
h = '0' + h;
return h;
// From Hex
Enc.hexToBuf = function(hex) {
var arr = [];
hex.match(/.{2}/g).forEach(function(h) {
arr.push(parseInt(h, 16));
return 'undefined' !== typeof Uint8Array ? new Uint8Array(arr) : arr;
Enc.hexToStr = function(hex) {
return Enc.binToStr(_hexToBin(hex));
function _hexToBin(hex) {
return hex.replace(/([0-9A-F]{2})/gi, function(_, p1) {
return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1);
Enc._hexToBin = _hexToBin;
// to Binary String
Enc.bufToBin = function(buf) {
var bin = '';
// cannot use .map() because Uint8Array would return only 0s
buf.forEach(function(ch) {
bin += String.fromCharCode(ch);
return bin;
Enc.strToBin = function(str) {
// Note: TextEncoder might be faster (or it might be slower, I don't know),
// but it doesn't solve the double-utf8 problem and MS Edge still has users without it
var escstr = encodeURIComponent(str);
// replaces any uri escape sequence, such as %0A,
// with binary escape, such as 0x0A
var binstr = escstr.replace(/%([0-9A-F]{2})/g, function(_, p1) {
return String.fromCharCode('0x' + p1);
return binstr;
// to Buffer
Enc.binToBuf = function(bin) {
var arr = bin.split('').map(function(ch) {
return ch.charCodeAt(0);
return 'undefined' !== typeof Uint8Array ? new Uint8Array(arr) : arr;
Enc.strToBuf = function(str) {
return Enc.binToBuf(Enc.strToBin(str));
// to Unicode String
Enc.binToStr = function(binstr) {
var escstr = binstr.replace(/(.)/g, function(m, p) {
var code = p
if (code.length < 2) {
code = '0' + code;
return '%' + code;
return decodeURIComponent(escstr);
Enc.bufToStr = function(buf) {
return Enc.binToStr(Enc.bufToBin(buf));
// Base64 + Hex
Enc.base64ToHex = function(b64) {
return Enc.bufToHex(Enc.base64ToBuf(b64));
Enc.hexToBase64 = function(hex) {
return btoa(Enc._hexToBin(hex));
;(function () {
'use strict';
var ASN1 = window.ASN1 = {};
var Enc = window.Encoding;
// Copyright 2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// Parser
// Although I've only seen 9 max in https certificates themselves,
// but each domain list could have up to 100
ASN1.ELOOPN = 102;
'uASN1.js Error: iterated over ' +
'+ elements (probably a malformed file)';
// I've seen https certificates go 29 deep
'uASN1.js Error: element nested ' +
'+ layers deep (probably a malformed file)';
// Container Types are Sequence 0x30, Container Array? (0xA0, 0xA1)
// Value Types are Boolean 0x01, Integer 0x02, Null 0x05, Object ID 0x06, String 0x0C, 0x16, 0x13, 0x1e Value Array? (0x82)
// Bit String (0x03) and Octet String (0x04) may be values or containers
// Sometimes Bit String is used as a container (RSA Pub Spki)
ASN1.CTYPES = [0x30, 0x31, 0xa0, 0xa1];
ASN1.VTYPES = [0x01, 0x02, 0x05, 0x06, 0x0c, 0x82];
ASN1.parseVerbose = function parseAsn1Helper(buf, opts) {
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
//var ws = ' ';
function parseAsn1(buf, depth, eager) {
if (depth.length >= ASN1.EDEEPN) {
throw new Error(ASN1.EDEEP);
var index = 2; // we know, at minimum, data starts after type (0) and lengthSize (1)
var asn1 = { type: buf[0], lengthSize: 0, length: buf[1] };
var child;
var iters = 0;
var adjust = 0;
var adjustedLen;
// Determine how many bytes the length uses, and what it is
if (0x80 & asn1.length) {
asn1.lengthSize = 0x7f & asn1.length;
// I think that buf->hex->int solves the problem of Endianness... not sure
asn1.length = parseInt(
Enc.bufToHex(buf.slice(index, index + asn1.lengthSize)),
index += asn1.lengthSize;
// High-order bit Integers have a leading 0x00 to signify that they are positive.
// Bit Streams use the first byte to signify padding, which x.509 doesn't use.
if (0x00 === buf[index] && (0x02 === asn1.type || 0x03 === asn1.type)) {
// However, 0x00 on its own is a valid number
if (asn1.length > 1) {
index += 1;
adjust = -1;
adjustedLen = asn1.length + adjust;
//console.warn(depth.join(ws) + '0x' + Enc.numToHex(asn1.type), index, 'len:', asn1.length, asn1);
function parseChildren(eager) {
asn1.children = [];
//console.warn('1 len:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length), 'idx:', index, 'clen:', 0);
while (
iters < ASN1.ELOOPN &&
index < 2 + asn1.length + asn1.lengthSize
) {
iters += 1;
depth.length += 1;
child = parseAsn1(
buf.slice(index, index + adjustedLen),
depth.length -= 1;
// The numbers don't match up exactly and I don't remember why...
// probably something with adjustedLen or some such, but the tests pass
index += 2 + child.lengthSize + child.length;
//console.warn('2 len:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length), 'idx:', index, 'clen:', (2 + child.lengthSize + child.length));
if (index > 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
if (!eager) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(asn1, ASN1._replacer, 2));
throw new Error(
'Parse error: child value length (' +
child.length +
') is greater than remaining parent length (' +
(asn1.length - index) +
' = ' +
asn1.length +
' - ' +
index +
//console.warn(depth.join(ws) + '0x' + Enc.numToHex(asn1.type), index, 'len:', asn1.length, asn1);
if (index !== 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
//console.warn('index:', index, 'length:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length));
throw new Error('premature end-of-file');
if (iters >= ASN1.ELOOPN) {
throw new Error(ASN1.ELOOP);
delete asn1.value;
return asn1;
// Recurse into types that are _always_ containers
if (-1 !== ASN1.CTYPES.indexOf(asn1.type)) {
return parseChildren(eager);
// Return types that are _always_ values
asn1.value = buf.slice(index, index + adjustedLen);
if (opts.json) {
asn1.value = Enc.bufToHex(asn1.value);
if (-1 !== ASN1.VTYPES.indexOf(asn1.type)) {
return asn1;
// For ambigious / unknown types, recurse and return on failure
// (and return child array size to zero)
try {
return parseChildren(true);
} catch (e) {
asn1.children.length = 0;
return asn1;
var asn1 = parseAsn1(buf, []);
var len = buf.byteLength || buf.length;
if (len !== 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
throw new Error(
'Length of buffer does not match length of ASN.1 sequence.'
return asn1;
ASN1._toArray = function toArray(next, opts) {
var typ = opts.json ? Enc.numToHex(next.type) : next.type;
var val = next.value;
if (val) {
if ('string' !== typeof val && opts.json) {
val = Enc.bufToHex(val);
return [typ, val];
return [
next.children.map(function(child) {
return toArray(child, opts);
ASN1.parse = function(opts) {
var opts2 = { json: false !== opts.json };
var verbose = ASN1.parseVerbose(opts.der, opts2);
if (opts.verbose) {
return verbose;
return ASN1._toArray(verbose, opts2);
ASN1._replacer = function(k, v) {
if ('type' === k) {
return '0x' + Enc.numToHex(v);
if (v && 'value' === k) {
return '0x' + Enc.bufToHex(v.data || v);
return v;
// Packer
// Almost every ASN.1 type that's important for CSR
// can be represented generically with only a few rules.
function Any(/*type, hexstrings...*/) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var typ = args.shift();
var str = args
.replace(/\s+/g, '')
var len = str.length / 2;
var lenlen = 0;
var hex = typ;
if ('number' === typeof hex) {
hex = Enc.numToHex(hex);
// We can't have an odd number of hex chars
if (len !== Math.round(len)) {
throw new Error('invalid hex');
// The first byte of any ASN.1 sequence is the type (Sequence, Integer, etc)
// The second byte is either the size of the value, or the size of its size
// 1. If the second byte is < 0x80 (128) it is considered the size
// 2. If it is > 0x80 then it describes the number of bytes of the size
// ex: 0x82 means the next 2 bytes describe the size of the value
// 3. The special case of exactly 0x80 is "indefinite" length (to end-of-file)
if (len > 127) {
lenlen += 1;
while (len > 255) {
lenlen += 1;
len = len >> 8;
if (lenlen) {
hex += Enc.numToHex(0x80 + lenlen);
return hex + Enc.numToHex(str.length / 2) + str;
ASN1.Any = Any;
// The Integer type has some special rules
ASN1.UInt = function UINT() {
var str = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
var first = parseInt(str.slice(0, 2), 16);
// If the first byte is 0x80 or greater, the number is considered negative
// Therefore we add a '00' prefix if the 0x80 bit is set
if (0x80 & first) {
str = '00' + str;
return Any('02', str);
// The Bit String type also has a special rule
ASN1.BitStr = function BITSTR() {
var str = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
// '00' is a mask of how many bits of the next byte to ignore
return Any('03', '00' + str);
ASN1._toArray = function toArray(next, opts) {
var typ = opts.json ? Enc.numToHex(next.type) : next.type;
var val = next.value;
if (val) {
if ('string' !== typeof val && opts.json) {
val = Enc.bufToHex(val);
return [typ, val];
return [
next.children.map(function(child) {
return toArray(child, opts);
ASN1._pack = function(arr) {
var typ = arr[0];
if ('number' === typeof arr[0]) {
typ = Enc.numToHex(arr[0]);
var str = '';
if (Array.isArray(arr[1])) {
arr[1].forEach(function(a) {
str += ASN1._pack(a);
} else if ('string' === typeof arr[1]) {
str = arr[1];
} else if (arr[1].byteLength) {
str = Enc.bufToHex(arr[1]);
} else {
throw new Error('unexpected array');
if ('03' === typ) {
return ASN1.BitStr(str);
} else if ('02' === typ) {
return ASN1.UInt(str);
} else {
return Any(typ, str);
// TODO should this return a buffer?
ASN1.pack = function(asn1, opts) {
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
if (!Array.isArray(asn1)) {
asn1 = ASN1._toArray(asn1, { json: true });
var result = ASN1._pack(asn1);
if (opts.json) {
return result;
return Enc.hexToBuf(result);
Normal file
Normal file
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
;(function () {
'use strict';
var ASN1 = window.ASN1 = {};
var Enc = window.Encoding;
// Copyright 2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// Parser
// Although I've only seen 9 max in https certificates themselves,
// but each domain list could have up to 100
ASN1.ELOOPN = 102;
'uASN1.js Error: iterated over ' +
'+ elements (probably a malformed file)';
// I've seen https certificates go 29 deep
'uASN1.js Error: element nested ' +
'+ layers deep (probably a malformed file)';
// Container Types are Sequence 0x30, Container Array? (0xA0, 0xA1)
// Value Types are Boolean 0x01, Integer 0x02, Null 0x05, Object ID 0x06, String 0x0C, 0x16, 0x13, 0x1e Value Array? (0x82)
// Bit String (0x03) and Octet String (0x04) may be values or containers
// Sometimes Bit String is used as a container (RSA Pub Spki)
ASN1.CTYPES = [0x30, 0x31, 0xa0, 0xa1];
ASN1.VTYPES = [0x01, 0x02, 0x05, 0x06, 0x0c, 0x82];
ASN1.parseVerbose = function parseAsn1Helper(buf, opts) {
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
//var ws = ' ';
function parseAsn1(buf, depth, eager) {
if (depth.length >= ASN1.EDEEPN) {
throw new Error(ASN1.EDEEP);
var index = 2; // we know, at minimum, data starts after type (0) and lengthSize (1)
var asn1 = { type: buf[0], lengthSize: 0, length: buf[1] };
var child;
var iters = 0;
var adjust = 0;
var adjustedLen;
// Determine how many bytes the length uses, and what it is
if (0x80 & asn1.length) {
asn1.lengthSize = 0x7f & asn1.length;
// I think that buf->hex->int solves the problem of Endianness... not sure
asn1.length = parseInt(
Enc.bufToHex(buf.slice(index, index + asn1.lengthSize)),
index += asn1.lengthSize;
// High-order bit Integers have a leading 0x00 to signify that they are positive.
// Bit Streams use the first byte to signify padding, which x.509 doesn't use.
if (0x00 === buf[index] && (0x02 === asn1.type || 0x03 === asn1.type)) {
// However, 0x00 on its own is a valid number
if (asn1.length > 1) {
index += 1;
adjust = -1;
adjustedLen = asn1.length + adjust;
//console.warn(depth.join(ws) + '0x' + Enc.numToHex(asn1.type), index, 'len:', asn1.length, asn1);
function parseChildren(eager) {
asn1.children = [];
//console.warn('1 len:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length), 'idx:', index, 'clen:', 0);
while (
iters < ASN1.ELOOPN &&
index < 2 + asn1.length + asn1.lengthSize
) {
iters += 1;
depth.length += 1;
child = parseAsn1(
buf.slice(index, index + adjustedLen),
depth.length -= 1;
// The numbers don't match up exactly and I don't remember why...
// probably something with adjustedLen or some such, but the tests pass
index += 2 + child.lengthSize + child.length;
//console.warn('2 len:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length), 'idx:', index, 'clen:', (2 + child.lengthSize + child.length));
if (index > 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
if (!eager) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(asn1, ASN1._replacer, 2));
throw new Error(
'Parse error: child value length (' +
child.length +
') is greater than remaining parent length (' +
(asn1.length - index) +
' = ' +
asn1.length +
' - ' +
index +
//console.warn(depth.join(ws) + '0x' + Enc.numToHex(asn1.type), index, 'len:', asn1.length, asn1);
if (index !== 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
//console.warn('index:', index, 'length:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length));
throw new Error('premature end-of-file');
if (iters >= ASN1.ELOOPN) {
throw new Error(ASN1.ELOOP);
delete asn1.value;
return asn1;
// Recurse into types that are _always_ containers
if (-1 !== ASN1.CTYPES.indexOf(asn1.type)) {
return parseChildren(eager);
// Return types that are _always_ values
asn1.value = buf.slice(index, index + adjustedLen);
if (opts.json) {
asn1.value = Enc.bufToHex(asn1.value);
if (-1 !== ASN1.VTYPES.indexOf(asn1.type)) {
return asn1;
// For ambigious / unknown types, recurse and return on failure
// (and return child array size to zero)
try {
return parseChildren(true);
} catch (e) {
asn1.children.length = 0;
return asn1;
var asn1 = parseAsn1(buf, []);
var len = buf.byteLength || buf.length;
if (len !== 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
throw new Error(
'Length of buffer does not match length of ASN.1 sequence.'
return asn1;
ASN1._toArray = function toArray(next, opts) {
var typ = opts.json ? Enc.numToHex(next.type) : next.type;
var val = next.value;
if (val) {
if ('string' !== typeof val && opts.json) {
val = Enc.bufToHex(val);
return [typ, val];
return [
next.children.map(function(child) {
return toArray(child, opts);
ASN1.parse = function(opts) {
var opts2 = { json: false !== opts.json };
var verbose = ASN1.parseVerbose(opts.der, opts2);
if (opts.verbose) {
return verbose;
return ASN1._toArray(verbose, opts2);
ASN1._replacer = function(k, v) {
if ('type' === k) {
return '0x' + Enc.numToHex(v);
if (v && 'value' === k) {
return '0x' + Enc.bufToHex(v.data || v);
return v;
// Packer
// Almost every ASN.1 type that's important for CSR
// can be represented generically with only a few rules.
function Any(/*type, hexstrings...*/) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var typ = args.shift();
var str = args
.replace(/\s+/g, '')
var len = str.length / 2;
var lenlen = 0;
var hex = typ;
if ('number' === typeof hex) {
hex = Enc.numToHex(hex);
// We can't have an odd number of hex chars
if (len !== Math.round(len)) {
throw new Error('invalid hex');
// The first byte of any ASN.1 sequence is the type (Sequence, Integer, etc)
// The second byte is either the size of the value, or the size of its size
// 1. If the second byte is < 0x80 (128) it is considered the size
// 2. If it is > 0x80 then it describes the number of bytes of the size
// ex: 0x82 means the next 2 bytes describe the size of the value
// 3. The special case of exactly 0x80 is "indefinite" length (to end-of-file)
if (len > 127) {
lenlen += 1;
while (len > 255) {
lenlen += 1;
len = len >> 8;
if (lenlen) {
hex += Enc.numToHex(0x80 + lenlen);
return hex + Enc.numToHex(str.length / 2) + str;
ASN1.Any = Any;
// The Integer type has some special rules
ASN1.UInt = function UINT() {
var str = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
var first = parseInt(str.slice(0, 2), 16);
// If the first byte is 0x80 or greater, the number is considered negative
// Therefore we add a '00' prefix if the 0x80 bit is set
if (0x80 & first) {
str = '00' + str;
return Any('02', str);
// The Bit String type also has a special rule
ASN1.BitStr = function BITSTR() {
var str = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
// '00' is a mask of how many bits of the next byte to ignore
return Any('03', '00' + str);
ASN1._toArray = function toArray(next, opts) {
var typ = opts.json ? Enc.numToHex(next.type) : next.type;
var val = next.value;
if (val) {
if ('string' !== typeof val && opts.json) {
val = Enc.bufToHex(val);
return [typ, val];
return [
next.children.map(function(child) {
return toArray(child, opts);
ASN1._pack = function(arr) {
var typ = arr[0];
if ('number' === typeof arr[0]) {
typ = Enc.numToHex(arr[0]);
var str = '';
if (Array.isArray(arr[1])) {
arr[1].forEach(function(a) {
str += ASN1._pack(a);
} else if ('string' === typeof arr[1]) {
str = arr[1];
} else if (arr[1].byteLength) {
str = Enc.bufToHex(arr[1]);
} else {
throw new Error('unexpected array');
if ('03' === typ) {
return ASN1.BitStr(str);
} else if ('02' === typ) {
return ASN1.UInt(str);
} else {
return Any(typ, str);
// TODO should this return a buffer?
ASN1.pack = function(asn1, opts) {
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
if (!Array.isArray(asn1)) {
asn1 = ASN1._toArray(asn1, { json: true });
var result = ASN1._pack(asn1);
if (opts.json) {
return result;
return Enc.hexToBuf(result);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
(function(){"use strict";var ASN1=window.ASN1={};var Enc=window.Encoding;ASN1.ELOOPN=102;ASN1.ELOOP="uASN1.js Error: iterated over "+ASN1.ELOOPN+"+ elements (probably a malformed file)";ASN1.EDEEPN=60;ASN1.EDEEP="uASN1.js Error: element nested "+ASN1.EDEEPN+"+ layers deep (probably a malformed file)";ASN1.CTYPES=[48,49,160,161];ASN1.VTYPES=[1,2,5,6,12,130];ASN1.parseVerbose=function parseAsn1Helper(buf,opts){if(!opts){opts={}}function parseAsn1(buf,depth,eager){if(depth.length>=ASN1.EDEEPN){throw new Error(ASN1.EDEEP)}var index=2;var asn1={type:buf[0],lengthSize:0,length:buf[1]};var child;var iters=0;var adjust=0;var adjustedLen;if(128&asn1.length){asn1.lengthSize=127&asn1.length;asn1.length=parseInt(Enc.bufToHex(buf.slice(index,index+asn1.lengthSize)),16);index+=asn1.lengthSize}if(0===buf[index]&&(2===asn1.type||3===asn1.type)){if(asn1.length>1){index+=1;adjust=-1}}adjustedLen=asn1.length+adjust;function parseChildren(eager){asn1.children=[];while(iters<ASN1.ELOOPN&&index<2+asn1.length+asn1.lengthSize){iters+=1;depth.length+=1;child=parseAsn1(buf.slice(index,index+adjustedLen),depth,eager);depth.length-=1;index+=2+child.lengthSize+child.length;if(index>2+asn1.lengthSize+asn1.length){if(!eager){console.error(JSON.stringify(asn1,ASN1._replacer,2))}throw new Error("Parse error: child value length ("+child.length+") is greater than remaining parent length ("+(asn1.length-index)+" = "+asn1.length+" - "+index+")")}asn1.children.push(child)}if(index!==2+asn1.lengthSize+asn1.length){throw new Error("premature end-of-file")}if(iters>=ASN1.ELOOPN){throw new Error(ASN1.ELOOP)}delete asn1.value;return asn1}if(-1!==ASN1.CTYPES.indexOf(asn1.type)){return parseChildren(eager)}asn1.value=buf.slice(index,index+adjustedLen);if(opts.json){asn1.value=Enc.bufToHex(asn1.value)}if(-1!==ASN1.VTYPES.indexOf(asn1.type)){return asn1}try{return parseChildren(true)}catch(e){asn1.children.length=0;return asn1}}var asn1=parseAsn1(buf,[]);var len=buf.byteLength||buf.length;if(len!==2+asn1.lengthSize+asn1.length){throw new Error("Length of buffer does not match length of ASN.1 sequence.")}return asn1};ASN1._toArray=function toArray(next,opts){var typ=opts.json?Enc.numToHex(next.type):next.type;var val=next.value;if(val){if("string"!==typeof val&&opts.json){val=Enc.bufToHex(val)}return[typ,val]}return[typ,next.children.map(function(child){return toArray(child,opts)})]};ASN1.parse=function(opts){var opts2={json:false!==opts.json};var verbose=ASN1.parseVerbose(opts.der,opts2);if(opts.verbose){return verbose}return ASN1._toArray(verbose,opts2)};ASN1._replacer=function(k,v){if("type"===k){return"0x"+Enc.numToHex(v)}if(v&&"value"===k){return"0x"+Enc.bufToHex(v.data||v)}return v};function Any(){var args=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);var typ=args.shift();var str=args.join("").replace(/\s+/g,"").toLowerCase();var len=str.length/2;var lenlen=0;var hex=typ;if("number"===typeof hex){hex=Enc.numToHex(hex)}if(len!==Math.round(len)){throw new Error("invalid hex")}if(len>127){lenlen+=1;while(len>255){lenlen+=1;len=len>>8}}if(lenlen){hex+=Enc.numToHex(128+lenlen)}return hex+Enc.numToHex(str.length/2)+str}ASN1.Any=Any;ASN1.UInt=function UINT(){var str=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join("");var first=parseInt(str.slice(0,2),16);if(128&first){str="00"+str}return Any("02",str)};ASN1.BitStr=function BITSTR(){var str=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join("");return Any("03","00"+str)};ASN1._toArray=function toArray(next,opts){var typ=opts.json?Enc.numToHex(next.type):next.type;var val=next.value;if(val){if("string"!==typeof val&&opts.json){val=Enc.bufToHex(val)}return[typ,val]}return[typ,next.children.map(function(child){return toArray(child,opts)})]};ASN1._pack=function(arr){var typ=arr[0];if("number"===typeof arr[0]){typ=Enc.numToHex(arr[0])}var str="";if(Array.isArray(arr[1])){arr[1].forEach(function(a){str+=ASN1._pack(a)})}else if("string"===typeof arr[1]){str=arr[1]}else if(arr[1].byteLength){str=Enc.bufToHex(arr[1])}else{throw new Error("unexpected array")}if("03"===typ){return ASN1.BitStr(str)}else if("02"===typ){return ASN1.UInt(str)}else{return Any(typ,str)}};ASN1.pack=function(asn1,opts){if(!opts){opts={}}if(!Array.isArray(asn1)){asn1=ASN1._toArray(asn1,{json:true})}var result=ASN1._pack(asn1);if(opts.json){return result}return Enc.hexToBuf(result)}})();
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
<meta charset="UTF-8" />
<script src="./asn1.all.js"></script>
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
'use strict';
var ASN1 = module.exports;
var packer = require('./packer.js');
var parser = require('./parser.js');
Object.keys(parser).forEach(function(key) {
ASN1[key] = parser[key];
Object.keys(packer).forEach(function(key) {
ASN1[key] = packer[key];
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
"name": "@root/asn1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"lockfileVersion": 1,
"requires": true,
"dependencies": {
"@root/encoding": {
"version": "1.0.1",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@root/encoding/-/encoding-1.0.1.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-OaEub02ufoU038gy6bsNHQOjIn8nUjGiLcaRmJ40IUykneJkIW5fxDqKxQx48cszuNflYldsJLPPXCrGfHs8yQ=="
"@root/pem": {
"version": "1.0.3",
"resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@root/pem/-/pem-1.0.3.tgz",
"integrity": "sha512-6iFwsbwm6YzWdfjogHzLTYkA1KWdeEkutVX2BBVfhyWoE9q0vp89G7mAcLIhi0QTRd199AMOacHWFq+gTyQkVA==",
"dev": true
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
"name": "@root/asn1",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "VanillaJS, Lightweight, Zero-Dependency, ASN.1 encoder and decoder.",
"main": "index.js",
"browser": {
"./node/native.js": "./browser/native.js"
"files": [
"scripts": {
"test": "node tests"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": "https://git.rootprojects.org/root/asn1.js.git"
"keywords": [
"author": "AJ ONeal <coolaj86@gmail.com> (https://coolaj86.com/)",
"license": "MPL-2.0",
"devDependencies": {
"@root/pem": "^1.0.3"
"dependencies": {
"@root/encoding": "^1.0.1"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
'use strict';
var ASN1 = module.exports;
var Enc = require('@root/encoding/hex');
// Packer
// Almost every ASN.1 type that's important for CSR
// can be represented generically with only a few rules.
function Any(/*type, hexstrings...*/) {
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments);
var typ = args.shift();
var str = args
.replace(/\s+/g, '')
var len = str.length / 2;
var lenlen = 0;
var hex = typ;
if ('number' === typeof hex) {
hex = Enc.numToHex(hex);
// We can't have an odd number of hex chars
if (len !== Math.round(len)) {
throw new Error('invalid hex');
// The first byte of any ASN.1 sequence is the type (Sequence, Integer, etc)
// The second byte is either the size of the value, or the size of its size
// 1. If the second byte is < 0x80 (128) it is considered the size
// 2. If it is > 0x80 then it describes the number of bytes of the size
// ex: 0x82 means the next 2 bytes describe the size of the value
// 3. The special case of exactly 0x80 is "indefinite" length (to end-of-file)
if (len > 127) {
lenlen += 1;
while (len > 255) {
lenlen += 1;
len = len >> 8;
if (lenlen) {
hex += Enc.numToHex(0x80 + lenlen);
return hex + Enc.numToHex(str.length / 2) + str;
ASN1.Any = Any;
// The Integer type has some special rules
ASN1.UInt = function UINT() {
var str = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
var first = parseInt(str.slice(0, 2), 16);
// If the first byte is 0x80 or greater, the number is considered negative
// Therefore we add a '00' prefix if the 0x80 bit is set
if (0x80 & first) {
str = '00' + str;
return Any('02', str);
// The Bit String type also has a special rule
ASN1.BitStr = function BITSTR() {
var str = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments).join('');
// '00' is a mask of how many bits of the next byte to ignore
return Any('03', '00' + str);
ASN1._toArray = function toArray(next, opts) {
var typ = opts.json ? Enc.numToHex(next.type) : next.type;
var val = next.value;
if (val) {
if ('string' !== typeof val && opts.json) {
val = Enc.bufToHex(val);
return [typ, val];
return [
next.children.map(function(child) {
return toArray(child, opts);
ASN1._pack = function(arr) {
var typ = arr[0];
if ('number' === typeof arr[0]) {
typ = Enc.numToHex(arr[0]);
var str = '';
if (Array.isArray(arr[1])) {
arr[1].forEach(function(a) {
str += ASN1._pack(a);
} else if ('string' === typeof arr[1]) {
str = arr[1];
} else if (arr[1].byteLength) {
str = Enc.bufToHex(arr[1]);
} else {
throw new Error('unexpected array');
if ('03' === typ) {
return ASN1.BitStr(str);
} else if ('02' === typ) {
return ASN1.UInt(str);
} else {
return Any(typ, str);
// TODO should this return a buffer?
ASN1.pack = function(asn1, opts) {
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
if (!Array.isArray(asn1)) {
asn1 = ASN1._toArray(asn1, { json: true });
var result = ASN1._pack(asn1);
if (opts.json) {
return result;
return Enc.hexToBuf(result);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
// Copyright 2018 AJ ONeal. All rights reserved
/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
'use strict';
var ASN1 = module.exports;
var Enc = require('@root/encoding/hex');
// Parser
// Although I've only seen 9 max in https certificates themselves,
// but each domain list could have up to 100
ASN1.ELOOPN = 102;
'uASN1.js Error: iterated over ' +
'+ elements (probably a malformed file)';
// I've seen https certificates go 29 deep
'uASN1.js Error: element nested ' +
'+ layers deep (probably a malformed file)';
// Container Types are Sequence 0x30, Container Array? (0xA0, 0xA1)
// Value Types are Boolean 0x01, Integer 0x02, Null 0x05, Object ID 0x06, String 0x0C, 0x16, 0x13, 0x1e Value Array? (0x82)
// Bit String (0x03) and Octet String (0x04) may be values or containers
// Sometimes Bit String is used as a container (RSA Pub Spki)
ASN1.CTYPES = [0x30, 0x31, 0xa0, 0xa1];
ASN1.VTYPES = [0x01, 0x02, 0x05, 0x06, 0x0c, 0x82];
ASN1.parseVerbose = function parseAsn1Helper(buf, opts) {
if (!opts) {
opts = {};
//var ws = ' ';
function parseAsn1(buf, depth, eager) {
if (depth.length >= ASN1.EDEEPN) {
throw new Error(ASN1.EDEEP);
var index = 2; // we know, at minimum, data starts after type (0) and lengthSize (1)
var asn1 = { type: buf[0], lengthSize: 0, length: buf[1] };
var child;
var iters = 0;
var adjust = 0;
var adjustedLen;
// Determine how many bytes the length uses, and what it is
if (0x80 & asn1.length) {
asn1.lengthSize = 0x7f & asn1.length;
// I think that buf->hex->int solves the problem of Endianness... not sure
asn1.length = parseInt(
Enc.bufToHex(buf.slice(index, index + asn1.lengthSize)),
index += asn1.lengthSize;
// High-order bit Integers have a leading 0x00 to signify that they are positive.
// Bit Streams use the first byte to signify padding, which x.509 doesn't use.
if (0x00 === buf[index] && (0x02 === asn1.type || 0x03 === asn1.type)) {
// However, 0x00 on its own is a valid number
if (asn1.length > 1) {
index += 1;
adjust = -1;
adjustedLen = asn1.length + adjust;
//console.warn(depth.join(ws) + '0x' + Enc.numToHex(asn1.type), index, 'len:', asn1.length, asn1);
function parseChildren(eager) {
asn1.children = [];
//console.warn('1 len:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length), 'idx:', index, 'clen:', 0);
while (
iters < ASN1.ELOOPN &&
index < 2 + asn1.length + asn1.lengthSize
) {
iters += 1;
depth.length += 1;
child = parseAsn1(
buf.slice(index, index + adjustedLen),
depth.length -= 1;
// The numbers don't match up exactly and I don't remember why...
// probably something with adjustedLen or some such, but the tests pass
index += 2 + child.lengthSize + child.length;
//console.warn('2 len:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length), 'idx:', index, 'clen:', (2 + child.lengthSize + child.length));
if (index > 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
if (!eager) {
console.error(JSON.stringify(asn1, ASN1._replacer, 2));
throw new Error(
'Parse error: child value length (' +
child.length +
') is greater than remaining parent length (' +
(asn1.length - index) +
' = ' +
asn1.length +
' - ' +
index +
//console.warn(depth.join(ws) + '0x' + Enc.numToHex(asn1.type), index, 'len:', asn1.length, asn1);
if (index !== 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
//console.warn('index:', index, 'length:', (2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length));
throw new Error('premature end-of-file');
if (iters >= ASN1.ELOOPN) {
throw new Error(ASN1.ELOOP);
delete asn1.value;
return asn1;
// Recurse into types that are _always_ containers
if (-1 !== ASN1.CTYPES.indexOf(asn1.type)) {
return parseChildren(eager);
// Return types that are _always_ values
asn1.value = buf.slice(index, index + adjustedLen);
if (opts.json) {
asn1.value = Enc.bufToHex(asn1.value);
if (-1 !== ASN1.VTYPES.indexOf(asn1.type)) {
return asn1;
// For ambigious / unknown types, recurse and return on failure
// (and return child array size to zero)
try {
return parseChildren(true);
} catch (e) {
asn1.children.length = 0;
return asn1;
var asn1 = parseAsn1(buf, []);
var len = buf.byteLength || buf.length;
if (len !== 2 + asn1.lengthSize + asn1.length) {
throw new Error(
'Length of buffer does not match length of ASN.1 sequence.'
return asn1;
ASN1._toArray = function toArray(next, opts) {
var typ = opts.json ? Enc.numToHex(next.type) : next.type;
var val = next.value;
if (val) {
if ('string' !== typeof val && opts.json) {
val = Enc.bufToHex(val);
return [typ, val];
return [
next.children.map(function(child) {
return toArray(child, opts);
ASN1.parse = function(opts) {
var opts2 = { json: false !== opts.json };
var verbose = ASN1.parseVerbose(opts.der, opts2);
if (opts.verbose) {
return verbose;
return ASN1._toArray(verbose, opts2);
ASN1._replacer = function(k, v) {
if ('type' === k) {
return '0x' + Enc.numToHex(v);
if (v && 'value' === k) {
return '0x' + Enc.bufToHex(v.data || v);
return v;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
'use strict';
var ASN1 = require('../');
var Enc = require('@root/encoding');
var PEM = require('@root/pem');
// 1.2.840.10045.3.1.7
// prime256v1 (ANSI X9.62 named elliptic curve)
var OBJ_ID_EC_256 = '06 08 2A8648CE3D030107';
var jwk = {
crv: 'P-256',
d: 'LImWxqqTHbP3LHQfqscDSUzf_uNePGqf9U6ETEcO5Ho',
kty: 'EC',
x: 'vdjQ3T6VBX82LIKDzepYgRsz3HgRwp83yPuonu6vqos',
y: 'IUkEXtAMnppnV1A19sE2bJhUo4WPbq6EYgWxma4oGyg',
kid: 'MnfJYyS9W5gUjrJLdn8ePMzik8ZJz2qc-VZmKOs_oCw'
var d = Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.d);
var x = Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.x);
var y = Enc.base64ToHex(jwk.y);
var der = Enc.hexToBuf(
'30', // Sequence
ASN1.UInt('01'), // Integer (Version 1)
ASN1.Any('04', d), // Octet String
ASN1.Any('A0', OBJ_ID_EC_256), // [0] Object ID
'A1', // [1] Embedded EC/ASN1 public key
ASN1.BitStr('04' + x + y)
var pem1 = PEM.packBlock({
bytes: der
var expected = [
'-----END EC PRIVATE KEY-----'
if (pem1 !== expected) {
throw new Error('Did not correctly Cascade pack EC P-256 JWK to DER');
} else {
console.info('PASS: packed cascaded ASN1');
// Mix and match hex ints, hex strings, and byte arrays
var asn1Arr = [
'30', // Sequence
[0x02, '01'], // Integer (Version 1)
[0x04, Buffer.from(d, 'hex')], // Octet String
['a0', OBJ_ID_EC_256], // [0] Object ID
0xa1, // [1] Embedded EC/ASN1 public key
ASN1.BitStr('04' + x + y)
var der2 = ASN1.pack(asn1Arr);
var pem2 = PEM.packBlock({
bytes: der2
if (pem2 !== expected) {
throw new Error('Did not correctly Array pack EC P-256 JWK to DER');
} else {
console.info('PASS: packed array-style ASN1');
var block = PEM.parseBlock(expected);
var arr1 = ASN1.parse({ der: block.bytes });
var arr2 = ASN1.parse({ der: block.bytes, verbose: false, json: false });
var obj3 = ASN1.parse({ der: block.bytes, verbose: true, json: true });
function eq(b1, b2) {
if (b1.byteLength !== b2.byteLength) {
return false;
return b1.every(function(b, i) {
return b === b2[i];
if (!eq(block.bytes, ASN1.pack(arr1))) {
throw new Error('packing hex array resulted in different bytes');
} else {
console.log('PASS: packs parsed (hex) array');
if (!eq(block.bytes, ASN1.pack(arr2))) {
throw new Error('packing array with bytes resulted in different bytes');
} else {
console.log('PASS: packs parsed array (with bytes)');
if (!eq(block.bytes, ASN1.pack(obj3))) {
throw new Error('packing verbose object resulted in different bytes');
} else {
console.log('PASS: packs parsed verbose object');
if (block.bytes.toString('hex') !== ASN1.pack(obj3, { json: true })) {
throw new Error('packing to hex resulted in different bytes');
} else {
console.log('PASS: packs as hex when json: true');
Reference in New Issue
Block a user