async function main() { 'use strict'; require('dotenv').config(); var fs = require('fs'); // just to trigger the warning message out of the way await fs.promises.readFile().catch(function () {}); console.warn('\n'); var MY_DOMAINS = process.env.DOMAINS.split(/[,\s]+/); // In many cases all three of these are the same (your email) // However, this is what they may look like when different: var maintainerEmail = process.env.MAINTAINER_EMAIL; var subscriberEmail = process.env.SUBSCRIBER_EMAIL; //var customerEmail = ''; var pkg = require('../package.json'); var packageAgent = 'test-' + + '/' + pkg.version; // Choose either the production or staging URL var directoryUrl = ''; //var directoryUrl = '' // This is intended to get at important messages without // having to use even lower-level APIs in the code var errors = []; function notify(ev, msg) { if ('error' === ev || 'warning' === ev) { errors.push(ev.toUpperCase() + ' ' + msg.message); return; } // ignore all for now console.log(ev, msg.altname || '', msg.status || ''); } var Keypairs = require('@root/keypairs'); var ACME = require('../'); var acme = ACME.create({ maintainerEmail, packageAgent, notify }); await acme.init(directoryUrl); // You only need ONE account key, ever, in most cases // save this and keep it safe. ECDSA is preferred. var accountKeypair = await Keypairs.generate({ kty: 'EC', format: 'jwk' }); var accountKey = accountKeypair.private; // This can be `true` or an async function which presents the terms of use var agreeToTerms = true; // If you are multi-tenanted or white-labled and need to present the terms of // use to the Subscriber running the service, you can do so with a function. var agreeToTerms = async function () { return true; };'registering new ACME account...'); var account = await acme.accounts.create({ subscriberEmail, agreeToTerms, accountKey });'created account with id', account.key.kid); // This is the key used by your WEBSERVER, typically named `privkey.pem`, // `key.crt`, or `bundle.pem`. RSA may be preferrable for legacy compatibility. // You can generate it fresh var serverKeypair = await Keypairs.generate({ kty: 'RSA', format: 'jwk' }); var serverKey = serverKeypair.private; var serverPem = await Keypairs.export({ jwk: serverKey }); await fs.promises.writeFile('./privkey.pem', serverPem, 'ascii');'wrote ./privkey.pem'); // Or you can load it from a file var serverPem = await fs.promises.readFile('./privkey.pem', 'ascii'); var serverKey = await Keypairs.import({ pem: serverPem }); var CSR = require('@root/csr'); var PEM = require('@root/pem'); var Enc = require('@root/encoding/base64'); var encoding = 'der'; var typ = 'CERTIFICATE REQUEST'; var domains = MY_DOMAINS; var csrDer = await CSR.csr({ jwk: serverKey, domains, encoding }); //var csr64 = Enc.bufToBase64(csrDer); var csr = PEM.packBlock({ type: typ, bytes: csrDer }); // You can pick from existing challenge modules // which integrate with a variety of popular services // or you can create your own. // // The order of priority will be http-01, tls-alpn-01, dns-01 // dns-01 will always be used for wildcards // dns-01 should be the only option given for local/private domains var challenges = { 'dns-01': loadDns01() };'validating domain authorization for ' + domains.join(' ')); var pems = await acme.certificates.create({ account, accountKey, csr, domains, challenges }); var fullchain = pems.cert + '\n' + pems.chain + '\n'; await fs.promises.writeFile('fullchain.pem', fullchain, 'ascii');'wrote ./fullchain.pem'); if (errors.length) { console.warn(); console.warn('[Warning]'); console.warn('The following warnings and/or errors were encountered:'); console.warn(errors.join('\n')); } } main().catch(function (e) { console.error(e.stack); }); function loadDns01() { var pluginName = process.env.CHALLENGE_PLUGIN; var pluginOptions = process.env.CHALLENGE_OPTIONS; var plugin; if (!pluginOptions) { console.error( 'Please create a .env in the format of examples/example.env to run the tests' ); process.exit(1); } try { plugin = require(pluginName); } catch (err) { console.error("Couldn't find '" + pluginName + "'. Is it installed?"); console.error("\tnpm install --save-dev '" + pluginName + "'"); process.exit(1); } return plugin.create(JSON.parse(pluginOptions)); }