mirror of https://github.com/therootcompany/acme.js synced 2025-03-12 19:41:09 +00:00

more testing

This commit is contained in:
AJ ONeal 2018-04-05 05:44:02 -06:00
parent 1647818326
commit 33e10c77d8
5 changed files with 206 additions and 120 deletions

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@ -27,11 +27,12 @@ In progress
* Apr 5, 2018 - test wildcard
* Apr 5, 2018 - test two subdomains
* Apr 5, 2018 - test subdomains and its wildcard
* Apr 5, 2018 - test http and dns challenges (success and failure)
* Apr 5, 2018 - export http and dns challenge tests
* test http and dns challenges
* export http and dns challenge tests
* Apr 5, 2018 - appears that sometimes 'pending' status cannot be progressed to 'processing' nor 'deactivated'
* support ECDSA keys
## Let's Encrypt Directory URLs
@ -63,6 +64,9 @@ var ACME = require('acme-v2').ACME.create({
// used for overriding the default user-agent
, userAgent: 'My custom UA String'
, getUserAgentString: function (deps) { return 'My custom UA String'; }
// don't try to validate challenges locally
, skipChallengeTest: false

View File

@ -11,9 +11,43 @@ var ACME = module.exports.ACME = {};
ACME.acmeChallengePrefix = '/.well-known/acme-challenge/';
ACME.acmeChallengeDnsPrefix = '_acme-challenge';
ACME.acmeChallengePrefixes = {
'http-01': '/.well-known/acme-challenge/'
'http-01': '/.well-known/acme-challenge'
, 'dns-01': '_acme-challenge'
ACME.challengeTests = {
'http-01': function (me, auth) {
var url = 'http://' + auth.hostname + ACME.acmeChallengePrefixes['http-01'] + '/' + auth.token;
return me._request({ url: url }).then(function (resp) {
var err;
if (auth.keyAuthorization === resp.body.toString('utf8').trim()) {
return true;
err = new Error("self check does not pass");
err.code = 'E_RETRY';
return Promise.reject(err);
, 'dns-01': function (me, auth) {
return me._dig({
type: 'TXT'
, name: ACME.acmeChallengePrefixes['dns-01'] + '.' + auth.hostname
}).then(function (ans) {
var err;
if (ans.answer.some(function (txt) {
return auth.dnsAuthorization === txt.data[0];
})) {
return true;
err = new Error("self check does not pass");
err.code = 'E_RETRY';
return Promise.reject(err);
ACME._getUserAgentString = function (deps) {
var uaDefaults = {
@ -181,19 +215,153 @@ ACME._wait = function wait(ms) {
// https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-acme-acme-10#section-7.5.1
ACME._postChallenge = function (me, options, identifier, ch) {
var body = { };
var payload = JSON.stringify(body);
var count = 0;
var thumbprint = me.RSA.thumbprint(options.accountKeypair);
var keyAuthorization = ch.token + '.' + thumbprint;
// keyAuthorization = token || '.' || base64url(JWK_Thumbprint(accountKey))
// /.well-known/acme-challenge/:token
var auth = {
identifier: identifier
, hostname: identifier.value
, type: ch.type
, token: ch.token
, thumbprint: thumbprint
, keyAuthorization: keyAuthorization
, dnsAuthorization: me.RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
POST /acme/authz/1234 HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/jose+json
"protected": base64url({
"alg": "ES256",
"kid": "https://example.com/acme/acct/1",
"nonce": "xWCM9lGbIyCgue8di6ueWQ",
"url": "https://example.com/acme/authz/1234"
"payload": base64url({
"status": "deactivated"
"signature": "srX9Ji7Le9bjszhu...WTFdtujObzMtZcx4"
function deactivate() {
var jws = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { nonce: me._nonce, alg: 'RS256', url: ch.url, kid: me._kid }
, new Buffer(JSON.stringify({ "status": "deactivated" }))
me._nonce = null;
return me._request({
method: 'POST'
, url: ch.url
, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json' }
, json: jws
}).then(function (resp) {
console.log('[acme-v2.js] deactivate:');
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
if (me.debug) { console.log('deactivate challenge: resp.body:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.log(resp.body); }
return ACME._wait(10 * 1000);
function pollStatus() {
if (count >= 5) {
return Promise.reject(new Error("[acme-v2] stuck in bad pending/processing state"));
count += 1;
if (me.debug) { console.log('\n[DEBUG] statusChallenge\n'); }
return me._request({ method: 'GET', url: ch.url, json: true }).then(function (resp) {
console.error('poll: resp.body:');
if ('processing' === resp.body.status) {
if (me.debug) { console.log('poll: again'); }
return ACME._wait(1 * 1000).then(pollStatus);
// This state should never occur
if ('pending' === resp.body.status) {
if (count >= 4) {
return ACME._wait(1 * 1000).then(deactivate).then(testChallenge);
if (me.debug) { console.log('poll: again'); }
return ACME._wait(1 * 1000).then(testChallenge);
if ('valid' === resp.body.status) {
if (me.debug) { console.log('poll: valid'); }
try {
if (1 === options.removeChallenge.length) {
options.removeChallenge(auth).then(function () {}, function () {});
} else if (2 === options.removeChallenge.length) {
options.removeChallenge(auth, function (err) { return err; });
} else {
options.removeChallenge(identifier.value, ch.token, function () {});
} catch(e) {}
return resp.body;
if (!resp.body.status) {
console.error("[acme-v2] (y) bad challenge state:");
else if ('invalid' === resp.body.status) {
console.error("[acme-v2] (x) invalid challenge state:");
else {
console.error("[acme-v2] (z) bad challenge state:");
return Promise.reject(new Error("[acme-v2] bad challenge state"));
function respondToChallenge() {
var jws = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { nonce: me._nonce, alg: 'RS256', url: ch.url, kid: me._kid }
, new Buffer(JSON.stringify({ }))
me._nonce = null;
return me._request({
method: 'POST'
, url: ch.url
, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json' }
, json: jws
}).then(function (resp) {
console.log('[acme-v2.js] challenge accepted!');
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
if (me.debug) { console.log('respond to challenge: resp.body:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.log(resp.body); }
return ACME._wait(1 * 1000).then(pollStatus).then(resolve, reject);
function failChallenge(err) {
if (err) { reject(err); return; }
return testChallenge();
function testChallenge() {
@ -201,123 +369,21 @@ ACME._postChallenge = function (me, options, identifier, ch) {
// http-01: GET https://example.org/.well-known/acme-challenge/{{token}} => {{keyAuth}}
// dns-01: TXT _acme-challenge.example.org. => "{{urlSafeBase64(sha256(keyAuth))}}"
function pollStatus() {
if (me.debug) { console.log('\n[DEBUG] statusChallenge\n'); }
return me._request({ method: 'GET', url: ch.url, json: true }).then(function (resp) {
console.error('poll: resp.body:');
if ('pending' === resp.body.status) {
if (me.debug) { console.log('poll: again'); }
return ACME._wait(1 * 1000).then(pollStatus);
if ('valid' === resp.body.status) {
if (me.debug) { console.log('poll: valid'); }
try {
if (1 === options.removeChallenge.length) {
{ identifier: identifier
, hostname: identifier.value
, type: ch.type
, token: ch.token
, thumbprint: thumbprint
, keyAuthorization: keyAuthorization
, dnsAuthorization: me.RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(
).then(function () {}, function () {});
} else if (2 === options.removeChallenge.length) {
{ identifier: identifier
, hostname: identifier.value
, type: ch.type
, token: ch.token
, thumbprint: thumbprint
, keyAuthorization: keyAuthorization
, dnsAuthorization: me.RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(
, function (err) { return err; }
} else {
options.removeChallenge(identifier.value, ch.token, function () {});
} catch(e) {}
return resp.body;
if (!resp.body.status) {
console.error("[acme-v2] (y) bad challenge state:");
else if ('invalid' === resp.body.status) {
console.error("[acme-v2] (x) invalid challenge state:");
else {
console.error("[acme-v2] (z) bad challenge state:");
return Promise.reject(new Error("[acme-v2] bad challenge state"));
if (me.debug) {console.log('\n[DEBUG] postChallenge\n'); }
//console.log('\n[DEBUG] stop to fix things\n'); return;
function post() {
var jws = me.RSA.signJws(
, undefined
, { nonce: me._nonce, alg: 'RS256', url: ch.url, kid: me._kid }
, new Buffer(payload)
me._nonce = null;
return me._request({
method: 'POST'
, url: ch.url
, headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/jose+json' }
, json: jws
}).then(function (resp) {
me._nonce = resp.toJSON().headers['replay-nonce'];
if (me.debug) { console.log('respond to challenge: resp.body:'); }
if (me.debug) { console.log(resp.body); }
return ACME._wait(1 * 1000).then(pollStatus).then(resolve, reject);
return ACME._wait(1 * 1000).then(post);
return ACME._wait(1 * 1000).then(function () {
if (!me.skipChallengeTest) {
return ACME.challengeTests[ch.type](me, auth);
try {
if (1 === options.setChallenge.length) {
{ identifier: identifier
, hostname: identifier.value
, type: ch.type
, token: ch.token
, thumbprint: thumbprint
, keyAuthorization: keyAuthorization
, dnsAuthorization: me.RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(
).then(testChallenge, reject);
options.setChallenge(auth).then(testChallenge, reject);
} else if (2 === options.setChallenge.length) {
{ identifier: identifier
, hostname: identifier.value
, type: ch.type
, token: ch.token
, thumbprint: thumbprint
, keyAuthorization: keyAuthorization
, dnsAuthorization: me.RSA.utils.toWebsafeBase64(
, failChallenge
options.setChallenge(auth, failChallenge);
} else {
options.setChallenge(identifier.value, ch.token, keyAuthorization, failChallenge);
@ -388,7 +454,6 @@ ACME._getCertificate = function (me, options) {
if (me.debug) { console.log('[acme-v2] certificates.create'); }
return ACME._getNonce(me).then(function () {
if (me.debug) { console.log("27 &#&#&#&#&#&#&&##&#&#&#&#&#&#&#&"); }
var body = {
identifiers: options.domains.map(function (hostname) {
return { type: "dns" , value: hostname };
@ -484,6 +549,23 @@ ACME.create = function create(me) {
me.acmeChallengePrefixes = ACME.acmeChallengePrefixes;
me.RSA = me.RSA || require('rsa-compat').RSA;
me.request = me.request || require('request');
me._dig = function (query) {
// TODO use digd.js
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
var dns = require('dns');
dns.resolveTxt(query.name, function (err, records) {
if (err) { reject(err); return; }
answer: records.map(function (rr) {
return {
data: rr
me.promisify = me.promisify || require('util').promisify;

View File

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ module.exports.run = function run(web, chType, email, accountKeypair, domainKeyp
if ('http-01' === opts.type) {
pathname = opts.hostname + acme2.acmeChallengePrefix + "/" + opts.token;
pathname = opts.hostname + acme2.acmeChallengePrefixes['http-01'] + "/" + opts.token;
console.log("Put the string '" + opts.keyAuthorization + "' into a file at '" + pathname + "'");
console.log("echo '" + opts.keyAuthorization + "' > '" + pathname + "'");
} else if ('dns-01' === opts.type) {

View File

@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ module.exports.run = function (web, chType, email, accountKeypair, domainKeypair
agree(null, tosUrl);
, setChallenge: function (hostname, token, val, cb) {
var pathname = hostname + acme2.acmeChallengePrefix + "/" + token;
var pathname = hostname + acme2.acmeChallengePrefix + token;
console.log("Put the string '" + val + "' into a file at '" + pathname + "'");
console.log("echo '" + val + "' > '" + pathname + "'");
console.log("\nThen hit the 'any' key to continue...");

View File

@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ module.exports.run = function run(web, chType, email, accountKeypair, domainKeyp
if ('http-01' === opts.type) {
pathname = opts.hostname + acme2.acmeChallengePrefix + "/" + opts.token;
pathname = opts.hostname + acme2.acmeChallengePrefixes['http-01'] + "/" + opts.token;
console.log("Put the string '" + opts.keyAuthorization + "' into a file at '" + pathname + "'");
console.log("echo '" + opts.keyAuthorization + "' > '" + pathname + "'");
} else if ('dns-01' === opts.type) {