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'use strict';
/*global Promise*/
var Challenge = module.exports;
// If your implementation needs config options, set them. Otherwise, don't bother (duh).
Challenge.create = function (config) {
var challenger = {};
// Note: normally you'd these right in the method body, but for the sake of
// "Table of Contents"-style documentation, I've pulled them out.
// Note: All of these methods can be synchronous, async, Promise, and callback-style
// (the calling functions check function.length and then Promisify accordingly)
// Called when it's tiem to set the challenge
challenger.set = function (opts, cb) {
return Challenge._setHttp(opts, cb);
// Called when it's time to remove the challenge
challenger.remove = function (opts) {
return Challenge._removeHttp(opts);
// Optional (only really useful for http)
// Called when the challenge needs to be retrieved
challenger.get = function (opts) {
return Challenge._getHttp(opts);
// Whatever you assign to 'options' will be merged into the incoming 'opts' beforehand
// (for convenience, so you don't have to do the if (!x) { x = y; } dance)
// (also, some defaults are layered, so it's good to set it any that you have)
challenger.options = { debug: config.debug };
return challenger;
// Prints the challenge URL and keyAuthorization to the screen
// (so that you can go set it and then continue)
// if you need per-run / per-domain options set them in approveDomains() and they'll be on 'args' here.
Challenge._setHttp = function (args, cb) {
// Note: You can receive cb and use that, or omit cb and return a Promise
var ch = args.challenge;
console.info("[ACME http-01 '" + ch.altname + "' CHALLENGE]");
console.info("You're about to receive the following HTTP request:");
// TODO let acme-v2 handle generating this url
console.info('\tGET http://' + ch.altname + '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' + ch.token);
console.info("The ACME server expects the following plaintext \"key authorization\" response:");
console.info("\t" + ch.keyAuthorization);
console.info("Depending on what you're implementing you'll either enter that again in the next step,"
+ " simulating a webserver response, or you'll actually copy it over to your true webserver");
if (args.debug) {
console.info("Debug Info:");
console.info(JSON.stringify(httpChallengeToJson(ch), null, 2).replace(/^/gm, '\t'));
console.info("[Press the ANY key to continue...]");
process.stdin.once('data', function () {
// The return value will checked. It must not be 'undefined'.
cb(null, null);
// might as well tell the user that whatever they were setting up has been checked
Challenge._removeHttp = function (args) {
// I'm not defining 'cb' here, which means I'll either have to return a value or a Promise
var ch = args.challenge;
console.info("[ACME http-01 '" + ch.altname + "' COMPLETE]: " + ch.status);
console.info("Challenge complete. You may now remove the challenge file:");
console.info('\thttp://' + ch.altname + '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' + ch.token);
// The return value will checked. It must not be 'undefined'.
return null;
Challenge._getHttp = function (args) {
var ch = args.challenge;
var altname = ch.altname || ch.identifier.value;
var hostname = ch.hostname || ch.identifier.value;
if (ch._test || !Challenge._getCache[ch.token]) {
Challenge._getCache[ch.token] = true;
console.info("[ACME " + ch.type + " '" + altname + "' REQUEST]: " + ch.status);
console.info('GET http://' + hostname + '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' + ch.token);
console.info("(paste in the \"Key Authorization\" you received a moment ago to respond)");
process.stdout.write("> ");
// Using a promise here just to show that Promises are support
// (in fact, they're the default)
return new Promise(function (resolve, reject) {
process.stdin.once('error', reject);
process.stdin.once('data', function (chunk) {
var result = chunk.toString('utf8').trim();
try {
result = JSON.parse(result);
} catch(e) {
args.challenge.keyAuthorization = result;
result = args.challenge;
if (result.keyAuthorization) {
// The return value will checked. It must not be 'undefined'.
// Because the ACME server will hammer us with requests, and that's confusing during a manual test:
Challenge._getCache = {};
function httpChallengeToJson(ch) {
return {
type: ch.type
, altname: ch.altname
, identifier: ch.identifier
, wildcard: false
, expires: ch.expires
, token: ch.token
, thumbprint: ch.thumbprint
, keyAuthorization: ch.keyAuthorization