'use strict'; /*global Promise*/ if (process.version.match(/^v(\d+)/)[1] > 6) { console.warn(); console.warn('#########################'); console.warn('# Node v6 Compatibility #'); console.warn('#########################'); console.warn(); console.warn("You're using node " + process.version); console.warn( 'Please write node-v6 compatible JavaScript (not Babel/ECMAScript) and test with node v6.' ); console.warn(); console.warn( '(ACME.js and Greenlock.js are widely deployed in enterprise node v6 environments. The few node v6 bugs in Buffer and Promise are hotfixed by ACME.js in just a few lines of code)' ); console.warn(); } require('./node-v6-compat.js'); // Load _after_ node v6 compat var crypto = require('crypto'); var promisify = require('util').promisify; var request = require('@root/request'); request = promisify(request); module.exports.create = function() { throw new Error( 'acme-challenge-test is a test fixture for acme-challenge-* plugins, not a plugin itself' ); }; // ignore all of this, it's just to normalize Promise vs node-style callback thunk vs synchronous function promiseCheckAndCatch(obj, name) { // don't loose this-ness, just in case that's important var fn = obj[name].bind(obj); var promiser; // function signature must match, or an error will be thrown if (fn.length <= 1) { // wrap so that synchronous errors are caught (alsa handles synchronous results) promiser = function(opts) { return Promise.resolve().then(function() { return fn(opts); }); }; } else if (2 === fn.length) { // wrap as a promise promiser = promisify(fn); } else { throw new Error( "'challenge." + name + "' should accept either one argument, the options," + ' and return a Promise or accept two arguments, the options and a node-style callback thunk' ); } function shouldntBeUndefined(result) { if ('undefined' === typeof result) { throw new Error( "'challenge.'" + name + "' should never return `undefined`. Please explicitly `return null`" + " (or fix the place where a value should have been returned but wasn't)." ); } return result; } return function(opts) { return promiser(opts).then(shouldntBeUndefined); }; } function mapAsync(els, doer) { els = els.slice(0); var results = []; function next() { var el = els.shift(); if (!el) { return results; } return doer(el).then(function(result) { results.push(result); return next(); }); } return next(); } function newZoneRegExp(zonename) { // (^|\.)example\.com$ // which matches: // foo.example.com // example.com // but not: // fooexample.com return new RegExp('(^|\\.)' + zonename.replace(/\./g, '\\.') + '$'); } function pluckZone(zones, dnsHost) { return zones .filter(function(zonename) { // the only character that needs to be escaped for regex // and is allowed in a domain name is '.' return newZoneRegExp(zonename).test(dnsHost); }) .sort(function(a, b) { // longest match first return b.length - a.length; })[0]; } // Here's the meat, where the tests are happening: function testEach(type, domains, challenger) { var chr = wrapChallenger(type, challenger); // We want the same rnd for all domains so that we catch errors like removing // the apex (bare) domain TXT record to when creating the wildcard record var rnd = crypto.randomBytes(2).toString('hex'); console.info("Testing each of '%s'", domains.join(', ')); // // Zones // // Get ALL zones for all records on the certificate // return chr .init({ request: request }) .then(function() { return chr.zones({ request: request, dnsHosts: domains }); }) .then(function(zones) { var all = domains.map(function(domain) { var zone = pluckZone(zones, domain); return { domain: domain, challenge: fakeChallenge(type, zone, domain, rnd), request: request }; }); // resolving for the sake of same indentation / scope return Promise.resolve() .then(function() { return mapAsync(all, function(opts) { return set(chr, opts); }); }) .then(function() { return mapAsync(all, function(opts) { return check(chr, opts); }); }) .then(function() { return mapAsync(all, function(opts) { return remove(chr, opts).then(function() { console.info("PASS '%s'", opts.domain); }); }); }) .then(function() { console.info(); console.info('It looks like the soft tests all passed.'); console.log('It is highly likely that your plugin is correct.'); console.log( 'Now go test with Greenlock.js and/or ACME.js to be sure.' ); console.info(); }); }); } function set(chr, opts) { var ch = opts.challenge; if ('http-01' === ch.type && ch.wildname) { throw new Error('http-01 cannot be used for wildcard domains'); } // // Set // // Add (not replace) a TXT for the domain // return chr.set(opts).then(function() { // _test is used by the manual cli reference implementations var query = { type: ch.type, /*debug*/ status: ch.status, _test: true }; if ('http-01' === ch.type) { query.identifier = ch.identifier; query.token = ch.token; // For testing only query.url = ch.challengeUrl; } else if ('dns-01' === ch.type) { query.identifier = { type: 'dns', value: ch.dnsHost }; // For testing only query.altname = ch.altname; // there should only be two possible TXT records per challenge domain: // one for the bare domain, and the other if and only if there's a wildcard query.wildcard = ch.wildcard; query.dnsAuthorization = ch.dnsAuthorization; query.dnsZone = ch.dnsZone; query.dnsPrefix = ch.dnsPrefix; } else { query = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(ch)); query.comment = 'unknown challenge type, supplying everything'; } opts.query = query; return opts; }); } function check(chr, opts) { var ch = opts.challenge; // // Get // // Check that ONE of the relevant TXT records matches // return chr .get({ request: request, challenge: opts.query }) .then(function(secret) { if (!secret) { throw new Error( '`secret` should be an object containing `keyAuthorization` or `dnsAuthorization`' ); } if ('string' === typeof secret) { console.info( 'secret was passed as a string, which works historically, but should be an object instead:' ); console.info('{ "keyAuthorization": "' + secret + '" }'); console.info('or'); // TODO this should be "keyAuthorizationDigest" console.info('{ "dnsAuthorization": "' + secret + '" }'); console.info( 'This is to help keep acme / greenlock (and associated plugins) future-proof for new challenge types' ); } // historically 'secret' has been a string, but I'd like it to transition to be an object. // to make it backwards compatible in v2.7 to change it, // so I'm not sure that we really need to. if ('http-01' === ch.type) { secret = secret.keyAuthorization || secret; if (ch.keyAuthorization !== secret) { throw new Error( "http-01 challenge.get() returned '" + secret + "', which does not match the keyAuthorization" + " saved with challenge.set(), which was '" + ch.keyAuthorization + "'" ); } } else if ('dns-01' === ch.type) { secret = secret.dnsAuthorization || secret; if (ch.dnsAuthorization !== secret) { throw new Error( "dns-01 challenge.get() returned '" + secret + "', which does not match the dnsAuthorization" + " (keyAuthDigest) saved with challenge.set(), which was '" + ch.dnsAuthorization + "'" ); } } else { if ('tls-alpn-01' === ch.type) { console.warn( "'tls-alpn-01' support is in development" + " (or developed and we haven't update this yet). Please contact us." ); } else { console.warn( "We don't know how to test '" + ch.type + "'... are you sure that's a thing?" ); } secret = secret.keyAuthorization || secret; if (ch.keyAuthorization !== secret) { console.warn( "The returned value doesn't match keyAuthorization", ch.keyAuthorization, secret ); } } }); } function remove(chr, opts) { // // Remove // // Delete ONLY the SINGLE relevant TXT record // return chr.remove(opts).then(function() { return chr.get(opts).then(function(result) { if (result) { throw new Error( 'challenge.remove() should have made it not possible for challenge.get() to return a value' ); } if (null !== result) { throw new Error( 'challenge.get() should return null when the value is not set' ); } }); }); } function wrapChallenger(type, challenger) { var zones; if ('dns-01' === type) { if ('function' !== typeof challenger.zones) { console.error( 'You must implement `zones` to return an array of strings.' + " If you're testing a special type of service that doesn't support" + ' domain zone listing (as opposed to domain record listing),' + ' such as DuckDNS, return an empty array.' ); process.exit(28); return; } zones = promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'zones'); } else { zones = function() { return Promise.resolve([]); }; } if ('function' !== typeof challenger.get) { console.error( "'challenge.get' should be implemented for the sake of testing." + ' It should be implemented as the internal method for fetching the challenge' + ' (i.e. reading from a database, file system or API, not return internal),' + ' not the external check (the http call, dns query, etc),' + ' which will already be done as part of this test.' ); process.exit(29); return; } var init = challenger.init; if ('function' !== typeof init) { init = function(opts) { return null; }; } return { init: promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'init'), zones: zones, set: promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'set'), get: promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'get'), remove: promiseCheckAndCatch(challenger, 'remove') }; } function fakeChallenge(type, zone, altname, rnd) { var expires = new Date(Date.now() + 10 * 60 * 1000).toISOString(); var token = crypto.randomBytes(8).toString('hex'); var thumb = crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'); var keyAuth = token + '.' + crypto.randomBytes(16).toString('hex'); var dnsAuth = crypto .createHash('sha256') .update(keyAuth) .digest('base64') .replace(/\+/g, '-') .replace(/\//g, '_') .replace(/=/g, ''); var challenge = { type: type, identifier: { type: 'dns', value: null }, // completed below wildcard: false, // completed below status: 'pending', expires: expires, token: token, thumbprint: thumb, keyAuthorization: keyAuth, url: null, // completed below // we create a random record to prevent self cache-poisoning dnsHost: '_' + rnd.slice(0, 2) + '-acme-challenge-' + rnd.slice(2) + '.', // completed below dnsAuthorization: dnsAuth, altname: altname, _test: true // used by CLI referenced implementations }; if ('*.' === altname.slice(0, 2)) { challenge.wildcard = true; altname = altname.slice(2); } challenge.identifier.value = altname; challenge.url = 'http://' + altname + '/.well-known/acme-challenge/' + challenge.token; challenge.dnsHost += altname; if (zone) { challenge.dnsZone = zone; challenge.dnsPrefix = challenge.dnsHost .replace(newZoneRegExp(zone), '') .replace(/\.$/, ''); } return challenge; } function testZone(type, zone, challenger) { var domains = [zone, 'foo.' + zone]; if ('dns-01' === type) { domains.push('*.foo.' + zone); } return testEach(type, domains, challenger); } function testRecord(type, altname, challenger) { return testEach(type, [altname], challenger); } module.exports.testRecord = testRecord; module.exports.testZone = testZone; module.exports.test = testZone;